Standard error messages

BladeSmith uses a standard set of messages in the code that it generates. These messages are shared by all DataBlade® modules created with BladeSmith and cannot be changed.

BladeManager adds the error messages to the syserrors system catalog and the systracemsgs system catalog when a DataBlade® module is registered in a database.

The messages have the same text and error numbers in the two system tables, except that messages in the systracemsgs system table include the text (%FILENAME%, %LINENO%) after the %FUNCTION% parameter to ensure that the source file name and line number appear in the trace file.

The following table lists the standard US English DataBlade® module error messages.
Table 1. Standard US English DataBlade® module error messages
Error number Message text
UGEN1 Connection has failed in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN2 Memory allocation has failed in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN3 Error creating large object from client file in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN4 Large object handle is invalid in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN5 Error creating large object from client file in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN6 Error saving large object to client file in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN7 Double-quoted string expected in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN8 Interval format conversion has failed in %FUNCTION%.
UGEN9 Input string is not terminated with double quotation mark in %FUNCTION%.
UGENA Input string is too long in %FUNCTION%.
UGENB Input data format error in %FUNCTION%.
UGENC Output LO file creation has failed in %FUNCTION%.
UGEND Entering function %FUNCTION%.
UGENE Successfully exiting function %FUNCTION%.
UGENF The collection could not be created in %FUNCTION%.
UGENG Insertion into the collection has failed in %FUNCTION%.
UGENH Invalid iterator state used in %FUNCTION%.

The generated header file defines constants ERRORMSG1 through ERRORMSG17 for these error numbers.

You can define additional messages used in your DataBlade® module. Define them in the BladeSmith project to ensure that they are loaded into the database when your DataBlade® module is registered. See Develop your DataBlade module for information about reserving error codes for your DataBlade® module.