Administration features

Domino 14.5 provides the following enhancements related to administering.

AdminCentral app enhancements

Enhanced Activity Log Page and Registration:

  • If there are custom password policy settings assigned to the user's policy, AdminCentral will generate passwords as part of user registration.
  • The look and feel of the Registration Profile page is improved by organizing related fields under tabs in the form.
    Overview of Registration profile form

    For more information, see Setting up a registration profile in AdminCentral.

  • On the log page, in addition to filtering requests by their status (errors, pending, complete), administrators can now sort on these column heads: Admin (administrator name) and Status (date completed). Note that new sorting option does not apply to mobile devices.

Replication enhancements

New PIRC (Purge Interval Replication Control) column

An administrator can now view the current PIRC status for all databases in the Files tab of the Admin Client.
Screenshot of PIRC column in Admin Client Files tab

For more information, see Limiting the contents of a replica.

Bulk approval of replica deletion requests

Unlike the previous release where administrators can approve only a single "Approve Replica Deletion" request, you can now select and approve multiple of these request types under the Pending Administration Approval view.

DAOS repair enhancements

The following repair options have been added:

  • Repairing a single .nlo file

    You can now check if an .nlo file is missing and repair if necessary. This command can be useful for scenarios like restoring a database from a backup.

  • Repairing all .nlo files for a database

    This new variation checks each .nlo file attached to a specific database and repairs as necessary. This command is useful in cases where a database is restored from backup.

  • Dynamic repair of .nlo files

    If an attempt to read a .nlo fails because the file doesn't exist, then a repair will be attempted dynamically.

For more information on these new functionalities, see Repairing .nlo files.

DAOSTune estimation tool

DAOSTune is a new application for estimating object size to help Domino administrators decide which minimum size to use for DAOS. For more information, see the article DAOSTune Estimation Tool for HCL Domino and how it is used on the HCLSoftware Support site.

Domino SNMP Agent for Linux updates

On the Linux platform, the former way of using SNMP under init-d is moved to systemd. New scripts are added to support SNMP under systemd. For more information, see Configuring the Domino SNMP Agent for Linux.

Note: In V14.5, Domino no longer installs the files net-snmpd.exe, and on the Linux platform.

Reader list optimization

Improved view performance when working with reader name fields in documents. You can create the reader list for a database by running the following command

You can create the reader list for a database by running the following command: load compact -c -rdrlist on <database>