Viewing software and server documents on autoupdate.nsf

This topic discusses the different software and server deployment views on autoupdate.nsf.

Viewing available software

The autoupdate.nsf is created on the download server only. The Notify and Download or Notify and Download and Update feature must be enabled in the Directory Profile document for this feature to function. For more information, see Enabling AutoUpdate.

You can access the different views for available software in the navigation pane of the autoupdate.nsf, which you can open on the download server using your HCL Administrator client or Notes client.
  • Latest Software displays only the latest versions.
  • Software Catalog displays all available software, regardless of entitlement.
    Note: By default, the software catalog will retrieve updates periodically. To force the software catalog to update immediately, issue the Domino console command from the download server: tell autoupdate update software
  • Downloads displays the documents that have downloads attached.
  • Notes AUT Catalog displays the Notes software documents whose webkits have been pushed to autcat.nsf by AutoUpdate. From any open document in this view, you can open the autcat.nsf application by clicking the "Open AUT Catalog" button.

Viewing server documents

Note: Server documents are created automatically when each Target Domino server loads the autoupdate task after AutoUpdate has been enabled in the Domino domain. If any server information has changed, these documents are updated periodically.
In the navigation pane of the autoupdate.nsf, the Server Deployments views display information about the Target servers:
  • Servers shows a list of all servers running AutoUpdate.
  • Deployment Groups displays the deployment groups that have been configured.
  • Active Deployments displays the results of distributing software to Target servers and any updates that are in progress but not yet completed.
Each server document can be viewed, displaying information about the Domino server version that is installed, the server operating system, program path, and data path.