Configuring trusted OIDC providers

Use the IdP Catalog application (idpcat.nsf) to configure a trusted OIDC provider.


  1. Open the IdP Catalog (idpcat.nsf), and click the folder icon in the navigation to open the Workspace.
  2. Click OIDC Provider and then click Add OIDC Provider.
    IdP Catalog app showing Add OIDC Provider button
  3. In the OIDC Provider window, provide the following information:
    1. Enter a name that you will recall in the Provider name field.
    2. In the Base URL field, enter the base URL for the OIDC provider. For example, when using a KeyCloak OIDC provider hosted on port 8443 and a realm named "TestRealm," set the "Base URL" field to
      The Base URL is used to construct the OIDC provider's well known configuration endpoint.
      • A base URL of would correspond to a configuration endpoint of https:/
      • A base URL of would correspond to a configuration endpoint of

        The trailing /.well-known/openid-configuration may be included in the base URL.

    3. Click on the arrow next to Host names or addresses mapped to this site and select from the list one or more internet sites that you want to trust this OIDC provider for authentication.

      IdP Catalog app showing list of options for "Host names or addresses mapped to this site" field
      Note: Only one SAML partnership or OIDC provider can be configured for a single internet site.
  4. By default, Domino servers will connect to OIDC providers that are using a TLS certificate signed by one of the trusted roots in the cacert.pem file in the data directory. To trust a self-signed certificate or only trust a single certificate, click the arrow next to the Trusted roots field to select a trusted root that has been configured in the Certificate Store application (certstore.nsf).
    IdP Catalog app showing list of options for "Trusted roots" field