Changing object repair limit

You can increase the default repair limit to address more DAOS objects using the .ini variable DAOS_REPAIR_LIMIT.

By default, DAOS will stop the repair after 100 objects have been repaired. You can change this limit using the .ini variable DAOS_REPAIR_LIMIT=x, where x is the limit you want to set, for example DAOS_REPAIR_LIMIT=1000.
CAUTION: Any repaired objects are always repaired to DAOS Tier 1. Your local DAOS storage will increase by the size of the repaired .NLO files. For example, if your average DAOS object is 1MB in size and you set DAOS_REPAIR_LIMIT=1000, your local DAOS storage will increase by 1 GB.

Since each Domino server can have significantly different storage configurations and capacity, this leads to the potential for the repair command to cause unexpected disk space consumption. This is the reason for the relatively low default DAOS_REPAIR_LIMIT of 100 objects. As an administrator, you can adjust this based on your understanding of your environment. If your clusters are symmetrical, every cluster member should end up with roughly the same amount of data. If you have asymmetrical clusters the impact of a repair is more difficult to predict and so, it's best to go in small increments.