Domino on-disk structure (ODS)

Domino on-disk structure (ODS) refers to the file format of a database. Each release of HCL Domino® and Notes has a default ODS version for databases. A new release may offer a new ODS version that provides database enhancements not available with earlier ODS versions.

For each recent Domino and Notes release, the following table lists the default ODS version, any new ODS version offered, and the notes.ini setting to enable the new version.
Notes/Domino Release Default ODS New ODS notes.ini to enable new ODS
9 43 52 Create_R9_Databases=1
10 52 53 Create_R10_Databases=1
11 52 None N/A
12 52 55 Create_R12_Databases=1
Note: As of Notes 12.0.2, upgrading a Notes client upgrades databases in the data directory to the latest ODS format, superceding any client notes.ini settings used to control ODS format. Although not recommended, you can use the client notes.ini setting NSF_AlwaysUpgradeODS=0 before starting an upgraded client to disable the automatic ODS upgrade.

If you do not use a Create_Rx_Databases=1 setting, new databases use the default ODS version for the release. For example, a new database created in Domino 12 uses ODS 52. Existing databases that do not use the default ODS version for the release are upgraded to that version if they are compacted using copy-style compacting.

If you do use a Create_Rx_Databases=1 setting, new databases are created with the ODS version of the release specified in the setting. For example, if you use Create_R12_Databases=1, new databases use ODS 55. Existing databases are upgraded to that ODS if they are compacted using copy-style compacting.

The ODS version for a database is shown in the i tab of the database properties box: ODS version 53 shown in database properties box
Database ODS versions are also shown in the File Format column of the Files tab of the Domino Administrator client:ODS versions of databases shown in the File Format column of the Files tab