Event handler notification methods

Depending on the type or severity of an event, you may want to be notified immediately by an alarm, email message, or server-console message. When you specify a handler notification method, you also specify where events are reported.

Domino® provides the following notification methods.

Table 1. Notification methods

Notification method



Reports the event to all users logged onto the server or to a specified group of users according to the option that you select.

Log to a database

Logs the event to a database, typically STATREP.NSF, on the server on which the event occurred, or on a server that you specify. Select this method only if the specified server is reporting events to its own collection database.


Mails the event to a person or to a mail-in database (typically STATMAIL.NSF) on a server in a different domain or one that uses an incompatible mail protocol.


Uses the mail address of an alphanumeric pager to report a modified version of an event to a pager.

Relay to other server

Relays the event to another server that is in the same Domino® domain and that runs a common protocol. These events are collected in a database, typically STATREP.NSF.

Run an agent

Runs a specified agent based on the configured Event Handler. Use this method to resolve an issue without user intervention. You specify the agent name, the server and database containing the agent, and any parameter to pass to the agent. When specifying the agent parameter, do not include any commas.

Note: You must have the appropriate database access to run an agent from a database.

Run Program

Runs an add-in program or specified command to correct problems automatically. The Run Program notification method also provides the option to pass event parameters. You can specify which parameters to pass when the program runs. Optionally, you can specify switches for the parameters. You must have full remote console access in the Server document to issue LOAD commands.

Send a console command to the server

Sends a console command, or commands, to the server according to the Event Handler that was configured. You can specify the server console commands to be run. Any console command can be used with an event handler. The console command must be delineated by quotes when you enter it. For example:


You can also use this option to run a console script.

For a local event handler configured for the Domino® Administrator, you specify the server on which to run the command or script. For event handlers that execute on a server, the command is sent to the server that is executing the event handler.

Send Java Controller command

Sends Java server controller commands based on an event. The commands that can be sent to the controller are restart Domino®, start Domino®, and shutdown Domino®. You specify the server and the Java controller command. Your username (short name) and Internet password are used by the event task to access the Java controller.

You also need to create a Connection document to the server that is running the server controller.


Sounds an alarm on the designated server when the event occurs. You specify the sound file.


Sends the event as an SNMP trap. Select this method only if the specified server is running the Event Interceptor task and the Domino® SNMP Agent.

Log to UNIX System Log

Reports the event to the UNIX system log.