Providing instructions for users who forget their passwords

You can specify instructions to display in the Notes® login window to users (even non-vaulted ones) who forget their passwords.

About this task

The instructions can be eight lines in length and can include blank lines for better readability. To provide a button that users can click to open a Web page, add the following HTML markup after the last line of the text instructions:

<A HREF="url">button text</A>

where url is the Web site URL and button text is the button label. For example:

<A HREF="">Open Web page</A>

Use any of the following methods to provide forgotten password instructions:

  • Use the Create > ID Vaults tool and specify the instructions as part of configuring a policy.
  • Use the Manage > ID Vaults tool and specify the instructions as part of creating or editing vault policy settings manually (see the related information).
  • Edit the Forgotten password help text field in the ID Vault tab of a Security Settings document used by a user policy.