Setting up Secrets and Tokens authentication for instant messaging in iNotes®
If you want to use Secrets and Tokens authentication databases for your instant messaging security instead of IBM® Domino® Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication, you must create a one-time replica of the Tokens database on the IBM® iNotes® server.
About this task
Because file names are case sensitive on UNIX™, the Secrets database name used in this example must be entered exactly as STAuthS.nsf.
After you have replicated stauths.nsf from your IBM® Sametime® server to your Domino® server, open the Replication Settings dialog box for the database, click Other, and enable the setting Temporarily disable replication for this replica. This will prevent another version of the database from a Microsoft™ Windows™ system from overwriting the name change for the UNIX™ server.
To replicate stauths.nsf from the Sametime® server to the Domino® server directory, do the following:
- Using an IBM® Notes® client, click .
- Enter the name of the Sametime® server, for example, Sametime/Renovations.
- Enter the Secrets database filename: stauths.nsf
- Click Open.
- Choose FileReplicationNew replica.
- Enter the name of the Domino® server, for example, iNotes/Renovations.
- Ensure that the database is replicated to the data directory: ...\domino\data\stauths.nsf.
- Click OK to create the replica.