Configuring iNotes®
IBM® iNotes® (previously IBM® Domino® Web Access) provides IBM® Notes® users with browser-based access to Notes® mail and to Notes® calendar and scheduling features. Administrators specify mail policy and security policy settings as well as notes.ini file settings to complete the full implementation of IBM® iNotes®.
iNotes® users can send and receive mail, view their calendars, invite people to meetings, create to-do lists, keep a notebook, and work offline. After being set up for iNotes®, a user can use both the standard Notes® client and a Web browser to access their mail files. Because both the Notes® client and iNotes® operate on the same underlying user mail file, read and unread marks remain up-to-date, regardless of which client they use to read their mail. Users can also synchronize contact information in their Notes® Contacts with information in their iNotes® contacts list.
While users simply need a name and Internet password to log on and use iNotes®, a Notes® ID is required if a user wants to work offline. Be sure to create a Notes® ID for each user when registering new users with the iNotes® mail template.
iNotes® includes two modes: full mode and ultra-light mode. The full mode provides a full set of features including mail, calendar, notebook, contacts, and to do list. The ultra-light mode is designed for use on a mobile device and is initially supported on the Apple iPhone or iPod touch. Ultra-light mode is also the accessible mode, available on Microsoft™ Windows™ operating systems (Win32) using Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later.