In place editing

In place editing dynamically shows an entry form containing data, typically in response to a user click. The user can enter data and close the form.

For example, the user may see a list of names followed by links:List of names with edit links
Clicking a link opens a form that lets the user edit that entry:Name opened for editing

How this works

An inPlaceForm control contains the controls used in the form.inPlaceForm control
The inPlaceForm control content can be displayed and hidden by calling the following server-side methods:
var c = getComponent("inPlaceForm1") // inPlaceForm1 being the ID of the control

The control automatically creates and inserts the child controls into the JSF tree, or deletes them, as necessary. The control can be located with a repeat and maintains a list of contexts in which it is visible. The controls are removed from the JSF tree when there is no longer valid contexts.

The show() and toggle() methods have an optional map to emulate URL parameters. The content of the map is temporarily pushed to the requestScope and removed after the request is processed.

The content of an inPlaceForm control is not loaded unless the form is used, minimizing the runtime cost.

Implementing an OK button in the form

Implementing an OK button is not as trivial as calling show() or hide(). Some server-side processing should be done, for example, saving the document. You should not redirect to a different page if the update is successful. You should stay on the same page and refresh the part of the page showing the new values of the edited data.
Take the following steps:
  • Add a simple button not a submit button.
  • Add a server-side event that saves the document then hides the form content. This can be done with two simple actions: Save Document and Execute Script.OK button for in place editing
    If Save Document succeeds, Execute Script runs. It should simply hide the form:
    var c = getComponent("inPlaceForm1")
  • Have the onclick event do a partial refresh of the edited value. The refresh ID should contain the entire form plus the edited value.

    If the form is editing a row within the repeat control, refresh the entire repeat control:Partial refresh of inplace repeat

Accessing the current context

The inPlaceForm control, as well as its children, can access the current page context. This means, for example, that an inPlaceForm control located in a repeat can access the current repeat context. Here is an example of a form opening a document and using a document data source for the current note ID:
<xe:inPlaceForm id="inPlaceForm1">
        var="document1" formName="Contact" action="editDocument" 
          documentId="#{ javascript:row.getNoteID() }"
          ignoreRequestParams="true" >

To force the data source to use the computed properties and prevent it from using the actual requests parameters, specify ignoreRequestParams="true".