djStackPane - Dojo Stack Pane
Provides content for one pane in a stack container.
Extension LibrarySyntax
<xe:djStackPane attributes>content</xe:djStackPane>
Property | Description |
id | Defaults to djStackPane1 , djStackPane2 ,
and so on. |
Category | Properties |
accessibility | title, waiRole, waiState |
basics | binding, dir, errorMessage, extractContent, href, id, lang, loaded, loadingMessage, partialRefresh, preload, preventCache, refreshOnShow, rendered, rendererType |
dojo | dojoAttributes, dojoType, dragRestriction, parseOnLoad, tooltip |
events | onBlur, onClick, onClose, onContentError, onDblClick, onDownloadEnd, onDownloadError, onDownloadStart, onFocus, onHide, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onShow, onUnload |
styling | disableTheme, style, styleClass, themeId |
This is a Dojo control.A Stack Container control holds Stack Pane controls stacked top to bottom in the order of definition.
This control is not tested against the latest accessibility standards. The recommended accessible path is the Panel control.
This example shows three Stack Pane controls inside a Stack Container control. A button toggles the value of a scoped variable. The first two stack panes are visible depending on the variable value. When the top pane is not visible, the second pane is seen. When the top two panes are not visible, the third pane is seen.<xp:button value="toggle" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:switch(sessionScope.dbinfo) {
case "path" : sessionScope.dbinfo = "created"; break;
case "created" : sessionScope.dbinfo = "title"; break;
default : sessionScope.dbinfo = "path";}}]]>
<xe:djStackContainer id="djStackContainer1">
<xe:djStackPane id="djStackPane1">
<![CDATA[#{javascript:sessionScope.dbinfo == null || sessionScope.dbinfo == "title"}]]>
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"
<xe:djStackPane id="djStackPane2">
<![CDATA[#{javascript:sessionScope.dbinfo == "path"}]]>
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField2"
<xe:djStackPane id="djStackPane3">
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField3"