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IBM Domino Designer Basic User Guide and Reference
Basic product usage information and programming language reference information.
Application Design
Welcome to the Application Design section of Domino® Designer Help.
Domino® Designer templates
The templates described in the following table are available with Domino® Designer and are specifically intended for use by application developers.
Importing to and exporting from views
Developing applications using MAPI
Domino® Designer Release 6 and later supports the messaging application program interface (MAPI), which allows mail integration between Domino and a MAPI-compliant messaging application, such as Microsoft™ Outlook, Microsoft Office applications, or user-written C++ programs.
Features to avoid using in Web applications
Developers creating applications specifically for the Web, or for the dual purpose of serving Notes® and Web clients, should review the following tables for features that are not supported on the Web.
URL commands for Web applications
You have a variety of options for programming a Web site. You can directly manipulate objects such as documents or views in an application using Domino® URL commands. Adding Domino URL commands as HTML in forms gives users shortcuts for navigating databases and performing other tasks quickly.
Application Management
Welcome to the Application Management section of Domino® Designer Help.
Composite Applications - Design and Management
Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and contextual collaboration strategy. The ability to create and edit composite applications lets you easily integrate different types of components and technologies.
DB2® Access views
Domino® Designer includes two types of design elements to assist you in managing data contained in DB2® enabled Notes® databases:
Programming Overview and User Interface
This section contains general guidelines and examples that show where to use Java, LotusScript, and the formula language.
Formula Language
This section documents the formula language.
LotusScript® Language
Welcome to the LotusScript® Language section of Domino® Designer Help.
LotusScript/COM/OLE Classes
Java/CORBA Classes
This section documents the Java/CORBA classes.
Lotus® Connectors
Lotus® Connectors provide native access to a wide variety of DBMS products, ODBC, the platform File system, Enterprise Resource Planning systems, and Transaction Processing systems.
Javadoc™ for Domino® Designer related APIs
As part of providing additional Java™ reference documentation, Domino® Designer ships with a help plugin that contains Javadoc™ for additional Domino Designer related APIs.
Accessibility and keyboard shortcuts
Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully.
Welcome to the IBM Domino Designer 9.0.1 XPages User Guide
Welcome to the IBM Domino Designer 9.0.1 XPages User Guide, where you can find information about how to use Domino Designer to rapidly develop and deploy scalable, security-rich business and collaboration applications. This guide focuses on the aspects of creating applications using XPages technology.
Product overview
IBM® Domino® Designer supports applications development for the IBM Domino platform using XPages, forms, views, and other elements such as controls.
This section contains tutorials and information about tutorials.
Administering applications
IBM® Domino® Designer provides features for administering and managing your work and related files while developing your application projects.
Designing XPages applications
IBM® Domino® Designer provides the means to populate an XPage with controls and other artifacts, and to associate an XPage with data stores.
Designing composite applications
You can create composite applications from XPages.
XPages uses JavaScript™ for programming while the forms-based design elements use the formula language, LotusScript®, Java™, and JavaScript.
JavaScript and XPages reference
This reference describes the JavaScript™ language elements, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and other artifacts that you need to create scripts, plus the XPages simple actions.
JavaScript™ language elements (JavaScript)
The JavaScript™ language elements are based on the ECMAScript Language Specification Standard ECMA-262 (see http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm). The JavaScript described here applies to the server-side interpreter. Client-side scripts are interpreted by the browser.
Simple actions (JavaScript)
A simple action performs a pre-programmed activity that can be modified by arguments.
Global objects and functions (JavaScript™)
Global objects provide entry points to server-side scripts. Entering the name of a global object instantiates it.
DOM (JavaScript)
Represents a document in XML Document Object Model format.
This library provides access to the IBM® Domino® back-end.
Runtime (JavaScript)
The Runtime library contains classes that provide useful methods for globalization.
Standard (JavaScript)
The Standard library contains classes for manipulating data of different types and performing common operations.
XSP (JavaScript™)
The XSP library contains classes that access the browser context.