Target (Agent - Java™)
Read-only. Indicates on which documents this agent acts.
Defined in
Data type
public int getTarget()
throws NotesException
This property corresponds to the Target option in the Runtime section of the Agent Properties box. The trigger limits the target possibilities. The TARGET_NONE targets are the only possibilities for their corresponding triggers.
Legal values
- Agent.TARGET_ALL_DOCS ("All documents in database")
- Agent.TARGET_ALL_DOCS_IN_VIEW ("All documents in view")
- Agent.TARGET_NEW_DOCS (Not used)
- Agent.TARGET_NEW_OR_MODIFIED_DOCS ("All new & modified documents")
- Agent.TARGET_NONE ("Each incoming mail document," "Newly received mail documents," or "Pasted documents")
- Agent.TARGET_SELECTED_DOCS ("All selected documents")
- Agent.TARGET_UNREAD_DOCS_IN_VIEW ("All unread documents in view")
- Agent.TARGET_RUN_ONCE ("None")Note: This constant is new with Release 5.01.