Database (Java™)
Represents a Notes® database.
public class Database extends Base
Contained by: AgentContext, DbDirectory, and Session
Can contain: ACL, Agent, DateTime, Document, DocumentCollection, Form, Outline, Replication, View
ACL through getACL
ACLActivityLog through getACLActivityLog
Agents through getAgents
AllDocuments through getAllDocuments
Categories through getCategories and setCategories
Created through getCreated
CurrentAccessLevel through getCurrentAccessLevel
DesignTemplateName through getDesignTemplateName
FileFormat through getFileFormat
FileName through getFileName
FilePath through getFilePath
FolderReferencesEnabled through getFolderReferences and setFolderReferences
Forms through getForms
FTIndexFrequency through getFTIndexFrequency and setFTIndexFrequency
HttpURL through getHttpURL
IsDelayUpdates through isDelayUpdates and setDelayUpdates
IsClusterReplication through isClusterReplication and setClusterReplication
IsConfigurationDirectory through isConfigurationDirectory
IsCurrentAccessPublicReader through isCurrentAccessPublicReader
IsCurrentAccessPublicWriter through isCurrentAccessPublicReader
IsDesignLockingEnabled through isDesignLockingEnabled and setDesignLockingEnabled
IsDirectoryCatalog through isDirectoryyCatalog
IsDocumentLockingEnabled through isDocumentLockingEnabled and setDocumentLockingEnabled
IsFTIndexed through isFTIndexed
IsInMultiDbIndexing through isInMultiDbIndexing and setInMultiDbIndexing
IsInService through isInService and setInService
IsLink through isLink
IsMultiDbSearch through isMultiDbSearch
IsOpen through isOpen
IsPendingDelete through isPendingDelete
IsPrivateAddressBook through isPrivateAddressBook
IsPublicAddressBook through isPublicAddressBook
LastFixup through getLastFixup
LastFTIndexed through getLastFTIndexed
LastModified through getLastModified
LimitRevisions through getLimitRevisions and setLimitRevisions
LimitUpdatedBy through getLimitUpdatedBy and setLimitUpdatedBy
ListInDbCatalog through getListInDbCatalog and setListInDbCatalog
Managers through getManagers
MaxSize through getMaxSize
NotesURL through getHttpURL
Parent through getParent
PercentUsed through getPercentUsed
ReplicaID through getReplicaID
ReplicationInfo through getReplicationInfo
Server through getServer
Size through getSize
SizeQuota through getSizeQuota and setSizeQuota
SizeWarning through getSizeWarning and setSizeWarning
TemplateName through getTemplateName
Title through getTitle and setTitle
Type through getType
UndeleteExpireTime through getUndeleteExpireTime and setUndeleteExpireTime
Views through getViews
Creation and access
There are several ways you can use the Database class to access existing databases and to create new ones.
- To access the current database if you are running as an agent, use getCurrentDatabase in AgentContext.
- To access an existing database when you know its server and file name, use getDatabase in Session.
- To access an existing database when you know its server and replica ID, use openDatabaseByReplicaID in DbDirectory.
- To locate an existing database when you know its server but not its file name, use the DbDirectory class.
- To access the current user's mail database, use openMailDatabase in DbDirectory.
- To open the default Web Navigator database, use getURLDatabase in Session.
- To access the available Domino® Directories and Personal Address Books, use getAddressBooks in Session.
- To test for the existence of a database with a specific server and file name before accessing it, use openDatabase or openDatabaseIfModified in DbDirectory.
- To create a new database from an existing database, use createCopy, createFromTemplate, or createReplica.
- To create a new database from scratch, use createDatabase in DbDirectory.
- To access a database when you have a contained object such as View, Document, DocumentCollection, ACL, or Agent, use the appropriate Parent (or ParentDatabase) property.
A database must be open before you can use all the properties and methods in the corresponding Database object. In most cases, the class library automatically opens a database for you. But see isOpen for the exceptions.
Access levels
Notes® throws an exception when you attempt to perform an operation for which the user does not have appropriate access. The properties and methods that you can successfully use on a Database object are determined by these factors:
- The user's access level to the database, as determined by the database access control list. The ACL determines if the user can open a database, add documents to it, remove documents from it, modify the ACL, and so on.
- The user's access level to the server on which the database resides, as determined by the Server document in the Domino® Directory.