AddInvitees (NotesCalendarEntry - LotusScript®)

Adds invitees to the calendar entry or entries.

Defined in



Addinvitees(Requirednames As Variant, Optionalnames As Variant,
 Fyinames As Variant, Comments As String, Flags As Integer,
 Scope As Integer, Recurid As String  )
Parameter Description
Requirednames Variant. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a Required attendee.
Optionalnames Variant. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a Optional attendee.
Fyinames Variant. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a FYI attendee.
Comments(optional) String. Comments to include on the outgoing notice(s) to organizer or participants
Flags(optional) Integer. Flags - Only CAL_ACTION_UPDATE_ALL_PARTICIPANTS is allowed, default value : 0
Scope(optional) Integer. The scope of a recurring operation:
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_FUTURE (3), inclusive
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_PREV (2), inclusive
Recurid String. The recurrence identifier (RECURRENCE-ID item) for a recurring calendar event. The format of a recurrence identifier is a time in UTC format, for example, 20120913T160000Z.
Possible exception Description
A required argument has not been provided(4323) The argument does not exist or with wrong type
NotesCalendar error(4805) General Notes calendar error
Recurrence-ID not found (4808) The meeting recurrence specified by recurid does not exist.