NotesView (LotusScript®)
Represents a view or folder of a database and provides access to documents within it.
Contained by: NotesDatabase, NotesUIView
Contains: NotesDocument, NotesViewColumn, NotesViewEntry, NotesViewEntryCollection, and NotesViewNavigator
You access a view or folder through the NotesDatabase object that contains it. There are two ways:
- To access a view or folder when you know its name or alias, use the GetView method.
- To access all the views and folders in a database, use the Views property.
Both options return NotesView objects that represent public views and/or folders in the database, or private views and/or folders owned by the effective id running the LotusScript® agent and stored in the database. Private views and folders in the desktop cannot be accessed using LotusScript®.
Both NotesDocumentCollection and NotesView objects provide access to both selected and all documents within a database. Use a NotesView object if:
- There is a view or folder in the database that contains all the documents you want to search.
- You need to navigate through the documents' response hierarchies.
- You want to access documents as quickly as possible.
- You want to find a document by its key in a view.
- You want to access documents in sorted order.
Views are the more efficient means of accessing documents because they are already indexed by the database itself.
If you create a NotesView object then change a document so that it affects the underlying view, navigation with the NotesView object may produce incorrect results.You must refresh the NotesView object or create a new one. Document changes that affect views include additions, deletions, and changes to fields used by selection formulas. See Refresh for further information.
Automatic updates: avoid
Avoid automatically updating the view by explicitly setting AutoUpdate to False especially if the view is a base for navigators or entry collections. Automatic updates degrade performance and may invalidate entries in child objects ("Entry not found in index"). You can update the view as needed with Refresh.