subform (Domino DTD)

Represents a subform as a named design element. A subform is a shared resource that saves several form elements as a single object. For instance, you can create a subform that contains fields that display a company logo or copyright information and can insert the subform into several different forms that require this standard information.

Containment Hierarchy

Contained by: %design.elements;

Contains:;, <globals>, <code>, <actionbar>, <body>, %note.epilog;


<!ELEMENT subform (;, globals?, code*, actionbar?, body, %note.epilog; )>

Content;, globals?, code*, actionbar?, body, %note.epilog;

Contains any one of the contents of; entity, an optional <globals> element, any number of <code> elements, an optional <actionbar> element followed by a <body> element, and any one of the contents of the %note.epilog; entity.


<!ATTLIST subform