write (NotesStream - JavaScript)

Writes bytes to a stream.

Defined in



write(buffer:byte[]) : int
Parameter Description
buffer The bytes to write, to a maximum of 2GB.
Return value Description
int The number of bytes written.


This method appends the bytes to the end of the stream.

This method throws an exception if the stream is read-only. See IsReadOnly.

When a stream is written, property values are:

  • Bytes is incremented by the number of bytes read
  • IsEOS is true
  • Position is set at end of stream


This button makes an exact copy of a file.
var inPath:string = requestScope.filepath;
var n:int = inPath.lastIndexOf(".");
var outPath:string = inPath.left(n) + "Copy" + inPath.right(inPath.length - n);
var inStream:NotesStream = session.createStream();
if (inStream.open(inPath, "binary")) {
	if (inStream.getBytes() > 0) {
		var outStream:NotesStream = session.createStream();
		if (outStream.open(outPath, "binary")) {
			if (!outStream.isReadOnly()) {
				do {
					var buffer = inStream.read(32767);
				} while (!inStream.isEOS());
			} else requestScope.status = "Output file exists and is read-only";
		} else requestScope.status = "Output file open failed";
	} else requestScope.status = "Input file has no content";
} else requestScope.status = "Input file open failed";