Importing DevOps Test Integrations and APIs project

you can import an Test Integrations and APIs project in your workspace if both the products are not installed on the same machine.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Installed Test Integrations and APIs Extension for Test Integrations and APIs.

  • Installed Test Performance Agent and Test Integrations and APIs Agent to run tests remotely.

About this task

When you have Test Integrations and APIs installed but you do not want to connect to the Test Integrations and APIs project. In that case, the project is duplicated, any updates in one product workspace will not be reflected in the other product's workspace.


  1. Right-click on the Test Navigator, choose Import and select Existing project into workspace.
  2. Choose Select root directory or Select archive file; select a project to import and then click Finish.

    The selected project appears in the Test Navigator and the compound test or schedule editor automatically opens.


You have imported a Test Integrations and APIs project.