Message headers

Message headers contain metadata about the message itself (for example, sender and destination details, message properties, message type). Headers for different transports contain different types of information.


The following images illustrate a few different transport configuration dialogs, each containing different message header fields:

TIBCO Rendezvous


In case of HTTP transport, Test Integrations and APIs supports both the Content-Encoding header and the Transfer-Encoding header that are present in reply messages. The encoding types supported for each header are gzip and deflate. Image of the HTTP Headers tab in messages
These header values are used in the send request message as well as in the reply or response received.


When you create messages that are based on the GraphQL schema, the Content-Type header is automatically set with the value as application/gql.
Note: You cannot configure or change the default value of the Content-Type header.


When you create messages that are based on the JSON schema, the Content-Type header is automatically set with the value as application/json.
Note: You cannot configure or change the default value of the Content-Type header.

You can find more details about configuring protocol-specific transports and headers in Integrations and API Testing.