Parameters of the String generator
After you add the String generator in a field of a Data definition, you can customize the existing configurations of the field.
When you click the String generator of a specific field in the Data definition in the edit branch, the unique parameters of the String generator that contains the existing configuration details for that field are displayed in the String dialog.
The following table provides the list of UI elements of the String dialog with their default parameters, and the actions that you can perform in the dialog to customize the parameters for the selected field:
UI element | Description | Default feature | Action |
The Generator field | Displays the name of the selected generator, that is, String. | The name is not editable. | NA |
The Distribution field | Determines if the strings are randomly generated or not in the corresponding column of the test data. Contains the Random option. | The Random option is selected. |
The Duplicates field | Determines if duplicate or unique strings are present in the generated data. Contains the Allowed option. | The Allowed option is selected. |
The Blank percentage field | Determines the frequency of blank strings in the generated data. | Displays 0 and is editable. |
Enter a number from 0 to 100. For example, if you enter 10, approximately 10% of the strings in the generated data will be blank. |
The Name field | Displays the custom name of the selected configuration. | Displays Default and is editable. | Enter an identifiable name to the selected configuration, if required. |
The Percentage field | Determines the proportion of the generated strings when you do not select the Random option. | Editable when Random is not selected. |
If you did not select the Random option for distribution, enter a number from 0 to 100 in the Percentage field to set the percentage of strings to be generated. For example, if you enter 50, the generated data will display the string column with a 50% occurrence rate. |
The Minimum characters field | Determines the minimum number of digits for the string in the generated data. | Displays 10. | Edit the default number and enter the custom minimum value, if required. |
The Maximum characters field | Determines the maximum number of digits for the string in the generated data. | Displays 1,000. | Edit the default number and enter the custom maximum value, if required. |
The Include special characters option | Determines whether special characters must be included in the string. | The option is not selected. | Select the option if you want to include special characters in the string. |
The Include digits option | Determines whether digits must be included in the string. | The option is not selected. | Select the option if you want to include digits in the string. |
The Add new configuration tab | You can add additional string configurations with specific components and settings, if required. |
Click the tab and then add the required components for the additional configuration. For example, you can have one configuration for strings with special characters and another configuration for strings with no special characters. You can similarly customize the values, distribution, and percentage as required. Note: You can click the delete icon
The Save to catalog option | After the customization of the String generator is complete, you can use the String generator as the base generator to create a new custom generator. | NA |
Click the Save to catalog icon You can thereby reuse the same configuration at a later time in different scenarios without having to set it up again from the scratch. See Creating custom generators and categories from Data definitions. |
The close icon |
NA | NA | Click the icon to exit the String generator dialog. |