Creating a Data definition by using the modified settings of the basic generators

You can create a Data definition in HCL OneTest Server by using the modified settings of the basic generators.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Active projects > My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Author > Data.

    The Data page and the Data navigator are displayed.

  4. Select the branch in the project repository from the Branch list.
  5. Perform any of the following actions:
    • Click the Open action menu icon in the Data navigator, and then click Data definition.
    • Click Add files in the right panel, and then click Data definition.

    The Edit branch dialog is displayed.

  6. Select your action to either select an existing Edit branch or create an Edit branch:
    • Perform the following steps to select the edit branch:
      1. Select an Edit branch from the Select branch list if Edit branches already exist in the selected branch of the repository.
      2. Click Ok.

      You selected an existing Edit branch.

    • Perform the following steps to create the edit branch:
      1. Select Create new branch.
      2. Enter a name for the edit branch.
      3. Click Save.

      You created an Edit branch.

  7. Perform the following actions in the Create data definition dialog:
    1. Enter a name for the Data definition along with a folder name in the Name field, if the folder does not exist in the location that you select in the Location field of the dialog.

      For example, you can enter MyFolder/MyDataDefinition in the Name field.

    2. Add a description about the Data definition in the Description field.
    3. Select the location in the Location field to store the Data definition in the folder you specified.
      For example, if you entered MyFolder/MyDataDefinition in the Name field, and then selected MyProject as the location to create the Data definition in the folder, then the Data definition is created under the MyProject/MyFolder/MyDataDefinition path.Image of the created Data definition.
    4. Click Create.

    The new Data definition opens in the Data page, and the Data definition is also listed in the Data navigator within the project. The Data definition created is listed under the logical folder Data definitions under the physical folder MyFolder that you created.

  8. Drag a basic generator from the Catalog panel to the Data definition.

    The basic generator is added as a field in the Data definition.

  9. Drag other basic generators from the Catalog panel to the Data definition to complete the data structure that you want in the fabricated data.
  10. Perform the following steps to modify the parameter configurations of a basic generator in a field of the Data definition:
    1. Click a generator in the Generator column of a field where you want to customize the configuration.
      The parameters of the generator are displayed in the Generator dialog.
    2. Change the parameter settings in the Generator dialog to customize the generator.
    3. Close the Generator dialog.
      The changes in the generator configuration are automatically saved.
  11. Click the Save icon Image of the save icon. to save the changes made to the Data definition.
    Note: The changes you made are only visible and available to you in the Edit branch. You must publish the changes in the Edit branch to the branch in the project repository for the changes to be visible to the other members of the project.
  12. Click the Publish icon publish_icon to publish the changes made to the Data definition to the branch in the project repository.


You created a Data definition by using the default settings of basic generators.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks:
  • Preview the test data generated by using the generators added as fields in the Data definition by clicking the Preview icon Image of the preview icon..
  • Generate the test data by using the generators added as fields in the Data definition by clicking the Generate icon Image of the preview icon..