- addAgentPoolToTeam
Add an agent pool to a team
- addAgentServerPin
Add public key pin for a server host to an agent
- addAgentToPool
Add an agent to an agent pool
- addAgentToTeam
Add an agent to a team
- addApplicationToTeam
Add an application to a team
- addComponentResourcePropDef
Create a component resource property definition
- addComponentTemplateToTeam
Add a component template to a team
- addComponentToApplication
Add a component to an application.
- addComponentToTeam
Add a component to a team
- addEnvironmentBaseResource
Add a base resource to an environment
- addEnvironmentProperty
Create a component environment property
- addEnvironmentToTeam
Add an environment to a team
- addGroupToTeam
Add a group to a role on a team
- addJavaPackage
Upload a Java package.
- addPostProcessingScriptToTeam
Add a post processing script to a team
- addProcessToTeam
Add a process to a team
- addResourceToTeam
Add a resource to a team
- addStatusToSnapshot
Add a status to a snapshot
- addTagToAgent
Add a tag to an agent
- addTagToApplication
Add a tag to an application
- addTagToComponent
Add a tag to a component
- addTagToResource
Add a tag to a resource
- addUserToGroup
Add a user to a group
- addUserToTeam
Add a user to a role on a team
- addVersionFiles
Upload files to a version
- addVersionLink
Add a link on a version
- addVersionLinkWithName
Add a link on a version
- addVersionStatus
Add a status to a version
- addVersionToSnapshot
Add a component version to a snapshot
- addWebhookToApplication
Add a webhook to an application
- addWebhookToProcess
Add a webhook to a process
- addZInventoryEntries
Add entries to Z inventory.
- archiveVersion
Archive the given versions of a component
- autoDiscoverResource
- bulkAddAgentServerPin
Add public key pins for server hosts to an agents in bulk
- bulkGetAgentJavaHomes
Get list of managed Java installations in bulk
- bulkGetPreferredJavaPackageForAgent
Get the preferred Java packages compatible with agents in bulk.
- bulkInstallAgentJava
Install Java packages as a new managed Java installations in bulk
- bulkRemoveAgentServerPin
Remove public key pins for server hosts from agents in bulk
- bulkSetAgentJavaHome
Set the configured JAVA_HOME of agents in bulk
- bulkSetAgentKeypairPolicy
Add public key pins for server hosts to agents in bulk
- bulkUninstallAgentJava
Uninstall a managed Java installations in bulk
- cancelApplicationPipelineExecution
Cancel an application pipeline execution
- cancelServerKeystoreImportTask
Cancel an incomplete keystore import task. Incomplete tasks can be cancelled by any user with the required permission.
- cancelWorkflow
Cancel a workflow in progress
- closeTask
Approve or reject an approval task
- completeServerKeystoreImportTask
Complete a server keystore import task by uploading a keystore containing new key pairs. The uploaded keystore must be in a format consumable by your Java virtual machine; currently, JKS and PKCS12 are the supported formats. Your Java virtual machine may impose additional restrictions such that keystores from other virtual machines or generated by other tools may not be readable. Imports can only be completed by the same user that created the import task.
- copyResource
Copy a resource into a new parent
- copyVersion
Copy a component version with all of its properties
- createAgentPool
Create an agent pool
- createApplication
Create an application from a JSON file
- createApplicationFromTemplate
Create an application with components from a JSON file
- createApplicationPipeline
Create a new application pipeline
- createApplicationProcess
Create an application process
- createApplicationTemplate
Create an application template from a JSON file
- createAuthToken
Create an authorization token
- createAuthenticationRealm
Create an AuthenticationRealm
- createAuthorizationRealm
Create an AuthorizationRealm
- createBlueprintDesignerIntegration
Create a blueprint designer integration from a JSON file
- createComponent
Create a component
- createComponentProcess
Create a new component process
- createComponentTemplate
Create a component template from a JSON file
- createDeploymentTrigger
Create a deployment trigger.
- createEnvironment
Create a new environment
- createEnvironmentFromTemplate
Create a new environment from template
- createEnvironmentTemplate
Create a new environment template
- createGenericProcess
Create a generic process
- createGroup
Create an empty group
- createMaintenanceBlackout
Create a Maintenance Blackout for the given date range. The date range cannot overlap with any existing Maintenance Blackout date ranges
- createManyVersions
Create multiple component versions
- createPostProcessingScript
Create a post processing script from a JSON file
- createResource
Create a resource
- createResourceTemplate
Create a resource template from a JSON file
- createResourceTemplateWithAgentPrototypes
Create a resource template with agent prototypes from a JSON file
- createSnapshot
Create a snapshot
- createSnapshotOfEnvironment
Take a snapshot of an environment
- createStatus
Create a status
- createTeam
Create a team
- createUser
Create a user
- createVaultAppRole
Create a new Vault App Role
- createVaultLdapUser
Create a new Vault Ldap User
- createVaultSecretStore
Create a secret store.
- createVersion
Create a component version
- createWebhookTemplate
Create a new webhook template
- deleteAgent
Delete an agent
- deleteAgentPool
Delete an agent pool
- deleteAgentProperty
Remove a property from an agent
- deleteAllDesiredInventoryVersions
Delete all versions for a component in an environment
- deleteApplication
Delete an application
- deleteApplicationPipeline
Delete an application pipeline
- deleteApplicationProcess
- deleteApplicationTemplate
Delete an application template
- deleteAuthenticationRealm
Delete an AuthenticationRealm
- deleteAuthorizationRealm
Delete an AuthorizationRealm
- deleteBlueprintDesignerIntegration
Delete a blueprint designer integration
- deleteComponent
Delete a component
- deleteComponentVersionPropDef
Delete a component version property
- deleteDeploymentTrigger
Delete a deployment trigger.
- deleteEnvironment
Delete an environment
- deleteEnvironmentGate
Delete the environment gate of a given environment
- deleteEnvironmentTemplate
Delete an environment template
- deleteEnvironmentTemplateGate
Delete the environment gate of a given environment template
- deleteFrontendServer
Delete a frontend server.
- deleteGroup
Delete a group
- deleteJavaPackage
Delete a java package.
- deleteMaintenanceBlackout
Delete the given maintenance blackout
- deletePostProcessingScript
Delete a post processing script.
- deleteRedundantDesiredInventoryVersions
Delete all redundant versions for a component in an environment
- deleteResource
Delete a resource
- deleteResourceProperty
Delete a resource property
- deleteResourceRoleProperty
Delete a resource role property
- deleteSecretStore
Delete a secret store.
- deleteServerKeystoreEntry
Delete a server keystore entry. A 409 Conflict status is returned if the alias longer corresponds to the same certificate at the time of the request. If the alias was never present or was removed concurrently, this operation reports success.
- deleteSnapshot
Delete a snapshot
- deleteStatus
Delete a status
- deleteTeam
Delete a team
- deleteUser
Delete a user
- deleteVaultAppRole
Delete a Vault AppRole
- deleteVaultLdapUser
Delete a Vault Ldap User
- deleteVersion
Delete a version from a component
- deleteWebhookTemplate
Delete a webhook template
- downloadVersionArtifacts
Download the artifacts of a component version
- executeApplicationPipeline
Execute an application pipeline
- exportApplication
Export an application to a json file.
- exportComponent
Export a component to a json file.
- exportComponentTemplate
Export a component template to a json file.
- exportDetailedGroup
List the members of a group (detailed)
- exportGenericProcess
Export a process to a json file
- exportGroup
List the members of a group
- exportSnapshot
Export a snapshot to a zip file.
- finishedImporting
Mark a version as completed importing
- forceCancelWorkflow
Force cancel a workflow in progress
- forceRenameAgent
Rename an agent
- forgetAgentCert
Forget Agent Certificates
- getAgent
Get information about an agent
- getAgentJavaHomes
Get list of managed Java installations
- getAgentMaintenanceTask
- getAgentMaintenanceTasks
- getAgentPool
Get information about an agent pool
- getAgentPools
Get information about all agent pools
- getAgentProperty
Get the value of a property on an agent
- getAgentPrototypes
Get all agent prototypes with this resource template as their ancestor
- getAgentStatuses
Returns a JSONObject with count of agents to status. Expected format: { "ONLINE":4, "UPGRADE_RECOMMENDED":1 } Requires Settings Tab permission
- getAgents
Get information about all agents
- getAllApplicationProcessesForApplication
Get all application processes of an application
- getAllComponentProcessRequestCount
Get all component process requests submitted after a certain time
- getAllComponentsForTemplate
Get a list of all components using this template
- getAllLatestDesiredInventory
Get all of the latest desired inventory for an environment.
- getAllProcesses
Get information on all generic processes
- getAllTeams
List teams
- getAllUsersInRoleForTeam
List all users with a given role on a team
- getAllUsersWithEmail
Get all users with a given e-mail address
- getApplication
Get information about an application
- getApplicationPipeline
Get an application pipeline definition
- getApplicationPipelineExecution
Get an application pipeline execution
- getApplicationPipelineExecutions
Get a list of up to 100 application pipeline executions
- getApplicationPipelines
Get a list of up to 100 application pipelines
- getApplicationProcess
Get information about an application process
- getApplicationProcessExecution
Get an application process request's activity trace.
- getApplicationProcessRequest
Get information about a specific application process request
- getApplicationProcessRequestProperties
- getApplicationProcessRequestStatus
Request the status of an application process request
- getApplicationProcessUnfilledProperties
List properties that must be specified for a process
- getApplicationProperties
Get all application properties and their values.
- getApplicationProperty
Get the value of a custom property on a application
- getApplicationTemplate
Get information about an application template
- getApplicationTemplatePropDefs
Get information about the property definitions for the application template
- getApplicationTemplates
Get information about all application templates on the server
- getApplications
Get information about all applications on the server
- getApplicationsProcessRequests
Get information about all application process requests on the server
- getApplicationsProcessRequestsCount
Count all application process requests
- getApprovalTasks
List recent approval tasks
- getAuthenticationRealm
Get information about an AuthenticationRealm
- getAuthenticationRealms
Get information about all AuthenticatoinRealms
- getAuthorizationRealm
Get information about an AuthorizationRealm
- getAuthorizationRealms
Get information about all AuthorizationRealms
- getBlueprintNodePropertiesTemplate
Get blueprint properties
- getBlueprintsInApplication
Get all blueprints in an application
- getComponent
Get information about a component
- getComponentEnvironmentProperties
Get component environment properties for an environment
- getComponentProcess
Get information about a component process
- getComponentProcessRequest
Get information about a specific component process request
- getComponentProcessRequestCount
Get the number of component process requests submitted after a certain time given a specified component
- getComponentProcessRequests
Get information about all component process requests
- getComponentProperties
Get values for component properties
- getComponentProperty
Get the value of a property on a component. Property names can be prefixed to specify which set of propertieswill be searched. Unprefixed properties will search custom 'Component Properties' on a component while a propertynamed such as template/propertyName will search the properties inherited from a component templates property definitions.
- getComponentTemplatePropDefs
Get information about the property definitions for the component template
- getComponentTemplates
Get information about all component templates on the server
- getComponentVersionPropDefs
List the version property definitions for a component
- getComponentVersions
Get the versions of a component
- getComponents
Get information about all components on the server
- getComponentsInApplication
Get all components in an application
- getConfigurableAgentLicenseTypes
- getCurrentActivityList
Returns all child workflows of a parent request id if specified else returns all running workflow activities.
- getDatabaseLatency
Gather statistics by runnning a database latency test. Result times are in milliseconds. This may take several seconds.
- getDeploymentTrigger
Get information about a single deployment trigger.
- getDeploymentTriggers
Get information about all deployment triggers for an environment.
- getEnvironment
Get information about an environment
- getEnvironmentBaseResources
Get all base resources for an environment
- getEnvironmentGate
Get the environment gate of a given environment
- getEnvironmentProperties
Get environment property values
- getEnvironmentProperty
Get the value of a custom property on an environment.
- getEnvironmentResourceTree
Get resource tree for an environment
- getEnvironmentTemplate
Get information about an environment template
- getEnvironmentTemplateGate
Get the environment gate of a given environment template
- getEnvironmentTemplatePropDefs
Get information about the property definitions for the environment template
- getEnvironmentsInApplication
Get information about all environments in an application
- getExternalApprovalProcess
Get information about an external approval process
- getExternalApprovalProcesses
Get all external approval processes
- getFirstUserWithEmail
Get the first user with a given e-mail address
- getFrontendServers
Get a list of frontend servers.
- getHighWatermarks
Return high watermarks for agent usage
- getInventoryChangesForSnapshot
Get inventory changes for application process run with snapshot in environment
- getJavaPackage
Get available Java packages.
- getJavaPackages
Get available Java packages.
- getJavaPackagesForAgent
Get Java packages compatible with a specific agent.
- getLatestDesiredInventory
Get the latest desired inventory for an environment.
- getLatestSnapshotForEnvironment
Get the latest snapshot deployed to an environment
- getLoggingConfig
Get logging configuration
- getMaintenanceBlackouts
Returns a list of all Maintenance Blackouts that start or end within the specified range. If no range is provided then all Maintenance Blackouts will be returned
- getOverlappingArtifacts
Get all artifacts overlapped in the given version
- getPostProcessingScript
Get information about a post processing script
- getPostProcessingScripts
Get a list of post processing scripts.
- getPreferredJavaPackageForAgent
Get the preferred Java package compatible with an agent.
- getProcessRequest
- getProcessRequests
Get information about all generic process requests on the server
- getRelayStatuses
Returns a JSONObject with count of agent relays to status. Expected format: { "ONLINE":4, "OFFLINE":1, } Requires Settings Tab permission.
- getRelays
Get information about all relays a user has access to.
- getResource
Get information about a resource
- getResourceInventoryEntriesForComponent
Get current resource inventory entries for a component
- getResourceProperties
List resource properties
- getResourceProperty
Get a resource property
- getResourceRoleProperties
List resource role properties
- getResourceRoleProperty
Get a resource role property
- getResourceTemplate
Get a resource template
- getResourceTemplateChildren
Get all children or descendants of a resource template
- getResources
List resources
- getResourcesInRecycleBin
List resources in the recycle bin.
- getResourcesWithComponentVersion
List resources that have a specified component version
- getSecretStore
Get information about a secret store.
- getSecretStores
Get information about all secret stores.
- getServerKeystoreImportTask
Get an existing keystore import task.
- getServerKeystoreInfo
Get information about the server keystore. The server keytore stores keypairs and certificates used for agent communication.
- getSnapshot
Get information about a snapshot
- getSnapshotConfiguration
Get the list of configuration objects in a snapshot
- getSnapshotVersions
Get the list of versions in a snapshot
- getSnapshotsInApplication
Get information about snapshots in an application
- getStatus
Get information about a status
- getStatusList
Get a list of statuses on a snapshot
- getStatuses
List statuses
- getSystemConfiguration
List system configuration properties
- getSystemProperties
List system properties
- getSystemProperty
Get the value of a system property
- getTagsForType
Get the Tags for an object type.
- getTagsOnAgent
List all tags on an agent
- getTagsOnApplication
List all tags on an application
- getTagsOnComponent
Return all tags on a component
- getTagsOnResource
List the tags on a resource
- getTasksForUser
Return all approval tasks and manual tasks assigned to the user
- getTeam
List information about a team
- getUser
List information about a user
- getUserByEmail
Get the user or users with a given e-mail address
- getUsersThatCanRunDeploymentTriggers
Get all users that can run deployment triggers.
- getVaultAppRole
Get information about a Vault AppRole
- getVaultAppRoles
List the Vault AppRoles for a Vault store
- getVaultLdapUser
Get information about a Vault Ldap User
- getVaultLdapUsers
List the Vault Ldap Users for a Vault Secret Store
- getVersionId
Get a version ID
- getVersionLink
Get a link on a component version
- getVersionLinks
List links on a version
- getVersionProperties
List the properties on a component version
- getWebhookTemplate
Get information about a webhook template
- getWebhookTemplates
List the viewable webhook templates
- getWorkflowTraceLogs
Returns full workflow trace with execution logs as a zip file in the current directory.If the underlying workflow is not complete, an HTTP 412 response is returned.
- importApplication
Import application from json file.
- importComponent
Import component from json file.
- importComponentTemplate
Import component template from json file.
- importGenericProcess
Import process from json file.
- importGroup
Import a group
- importLdapUser
Import a user from LDAP
- importSnapshot
Import snapshot from zip file.
- importVersions
Import new component versions
- installAgent
Install an agent
- installAgentJava
Install a Java package as a new managed Java installation
- listArtifacts
Get the list of artifacts for a version
- loadEnvironmentCompliancy
Get the compliancy of a given environment
- lockSnapshotConfiguration
Lock a snapshot's configuration
- lockSnapshotVersions
Lock a snapshot's version list
- lockUser
Lock a user account
- login
Log in to the server
- logout
Log out of the server
- moveResource
Update a resource's parent
- pauseWorkflow
Pause a workflow in progress
- prepareServerKeystoreImportTask
Prepare for importing server keystore key pair entries by creating a new import task.
- previewUserLockEvent
- provisionEnvironment
Provision a cloud environment
- removeAgentFromPool
Remove an agent from an agent pool
- removeAgentFromTeam
Remove an agent from a team
- removeAgentPoolFromTeam
Remove an agent pool from a team
- removeAgentServerPin
Remove public key pin for a server host from an agent
- removeApplicationFromTeam
Remove an application from a team
- removeComponentFromApplication
Remove a component from an application.
- removeComponentFromTeam
Remove a component from a team
- removeComponentResourcePropDef
Delete a component resource property definition
- removeComponentTemplateFromTeam
Remove a component template from a team
- removeEnvironmentBaseResource
Remove a base resource from an environment
- removeEnvironmentFromTeam
Remove an environment from a team
- removeEnvironmentProperty
Delete a component environment property
- removeGroupFromRoleOnTeam
Remove a group from a role on a team
- removeInventoryForUnmappedComponents
Removes environment inventory for components with no resources in the enviroment resources.
- removeProcessFromTeam
Remove a process from a team
- removeResourceFromTeam
Remove a resource from a team
- removeTagFromAgent
Delete a tag from an agent
- removeTagFromApplication
Remove a tag from an application
- removeTagFromComponent
Delete a tag from a component
- removeTagFromResource
Remove a tag from a resource
- removeUserFromGroup
Remove a user from a group
- removeUserFromRoleOnTeam
Remove a user from a role on a team
- removeVersionFromSnapshot
Remove a component version from a snapshot
- removeVersionLink
Remove a link from a version
- removeVersionLinkByName
Remove a link from a version
- removeVersionStatus
Remove a status from a version
- removeWebhookFromApplication
Removes a webhook from a process
- removeWebhookFromProcess
Removes a webhook from a process
- repeatApplicationProcessRequest
Repeat an application process request
- requestApplicationProcess
Run an application process
- requestProcess
Executes new generic process request(s) for resource(s)
- restartAgent
Restart an agent
- restoreArtifacts
Restore artifacts of an archived version
- restoreFromRecycleBin
Restore from recycle bin.
- resumeWorkflow
Resume a workflow in progress
- rollbackZInventoryEntries
Rollback Z inventory.
- saveEnvironmentGate
Save the environment gate of a given environment. Environment gates are JSON objects consisting of operators "OR", "AND", and "NOT", as well as status UUIDs. A valid operator is a JSON Object with a single key corresponding to one of the three operator types, and with a list of operators or UUIDs as its value. A valid gate begins with an enclosing OR operator containing one or more AND operators. AND operators can contain only UUIDs or NOT operators. NOT operators must contain a single UUID which corresponds to a known version or snapshot status.
- saveEnvironmentTemplateGate
Save the environment gate of a given environment template. Environment gates are JSON objects consisting of operators "OR", "AND", and "NOT", as well as status UUIDs. A valid operator is a JSON Object with a single key corresponding to one of the three operator types, and with a list of operators or UUIDs as its value. A valid gate begins with an enclosing OR operator containing one or more AND operators. AND operators can contain only UUIDs or NOT operators. NOT operators must contain a single UUID which corresponds to a known version or snapshot status.
- savePostProcessingScript
Get information about a post processing script
- searchZInventoryEntries
Search Z inventory.
- setAgentJavaHome
Set the configured JAVA_HOME of an agent
- setAgentKeypairPolicy
Set or modify an agent's keypair policy
- setAgentLicenseType
Set the license for an agent
- setAgentProperty
Set a property on a agent
- setAgentUnavailable
- setApplicationProperty
Set a property on an application
- setComponentEnvironmentProperty
Set a component environment property value
- setComponentProperty
Set a property on a component
- setComponentVersionPropDef
Set a version property for a component
- setEnvironmentProperty
Set a property on environment
- setLoggingConfig
Get logging configuration
- setPreferredJavaPackage
Sets a package as preferred for its OS and CPU, unsetting the previously preferred package if there was one.
- setResourceProperty
Set a property on a resource
- setResourceRoleProperty
Set a property on a resource
- setSystemConfiguration
Update the system configuration
- setSystemProperty
Set a system property
- setVersionProperty
Set a property on a component version
- shutdownAgent
Shut down an agent
- testAgent
Test the connection from an agent to the server
- testVaultAppRole
Test resolving a value from a Vault AppRole.
- testVaultLdapUser
Test resolving a value from a Vault Ldap User.
- uninstallAgentJava
Uninstall a managed Java installation
- unlockUser
Unlock a user account and clear failed login attempts.
- unsetPreferredJavaPackage
Unsets a package as preferred for its OS and CPU, leaving no package as preferred.
- updateAgent
Update agent settings
- updateApplicationPipeline
Update an application pipeline definition
- updateApplicationTemplate
Update an application template
- updateApplicationTemplatePropDefs
Update an application template prop sheet def from a JSON file.
- updateAuthenticationRealm
Update the basic settings of an AuthenticationRealm
- updateAuthorizationRealm
Update the basic settings of an AuthorizationRealm
- updateComponent
Update the basic settings of a component
- updateComponentResourcePropDef
Update a component resource property definition
- updateComponentTemplatePropDefs
Update a component template prop-def sheet from a JSON file. Replaces the property definitions.
- updateEnvironment
Update an environment
- updateEnvironmentProperty
Update a component environment property
- updateEnvironmentTemplate
Update the basic settings of an environment template
- updateEnvironmentTemplatePropDefs
Update an environment template prop sheet def from a JSON file.
- updateExternalApprovalProcess
Update the basic settings of an external approval process
- updateMaintenanceBlackout
Modifies the time range for the given Maintenance Blackout. A date cannot be modified if it has already occurred
- updateResource
Update a resource
- updateResourceTemplate
Update a resource template from a JSON file
- updateTeam
Update a team
- updateUser
Update a user
- updateUsersInAuthRealm
Update all users in an authentication realm
- updateVaultAppRole
Update a Vault AppRole
- updateVaultLdapUser
Update a new Vault Ldap User
- updateVaultSecretStore
Update a secret store.
- updateWebhookForApplication
Update an application webhook
- updateWebhookForProcess
Updates a webhook for a process
- updateWebhookTemplate
Update a webhook template
- upgradeAgent
Upgrade an agent