
Save the environment gate of a given environment template. Environment gates are JSON objects consisting of operators "OR", "AND", and "NOT", as well as status UUIDs. A valid operator is a JSON Object with a single key corresponding to one of the three operator types, and with a list of operators or UUIDs as its value. A valid gate begins with an enclosing OR operator containing one or more AND operators. AND operators can contain only UUIDs or NOT operators. NOT operators must contain a single UUID which corresponds to a known version or snapshot status.


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  saveEnvironmentTemplateGate [parameters] [JSON file]


Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
environmentTemplate string true Name or ID of environment template
applicationTemplate string false Name or ID of applicationTemplate (required if environment template is specified by name)


This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
{"OR": [{"AND": [
  {"NOT": ["<uuid>"]},
  {"NOT": ["<uuid>"]},

Related REST command: Save environmentTemplate gate.