Save the environment gate of a given environment template. Environment gates are JSON objects consisting of operators "OR", "AND", and "NOT", as well as status UUIDs. A valid operator is a JSON Object with a single key corresponding to one of the three operator types, and with a list of operators or UUIDs as its value. A valid gate begins with an enclosing OR operator containing one or more AND operators. AND operators can contain only UUIDs or NOT operators. NOT operators must contain a single UUID which corresponds to a known version or snapshot status.
udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
saveEnvironmentTemplateGate [parameters] [JSON file]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
environmentTemplate | string | true | Name or ID of environment template |
applicationTemplate | string | false | Name or ID of applicationTemplate (required if environment template is specified by name) |
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
{"OR": [{"AND": [
{"NOT": ["<uuid>"]},
{"NOT": ["<uuid>"]},
Related REST command: Save environmentTemplate gate.