Run an application process
udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
requestApplicationProcess [JSON file]
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for
the request:
"application": "Application name or ID",
"applicationProcess": "Application process name or ID",
"date": "Date and time to schedule the process for.
(Optional) Supports unix timecodes or the format yyyy-mm-
dd HH:mm",
"description": "Description for the request (Optional)",
"environment": "Environment name or ID",
"onlyChanged": "Specify false to force deployment of
versions that are already in the inventory (Optional)",
"post-deploy-message": "The body of the PUT message. You
can use the variable ${p:finalStatus}, which holds the
state of the process. The possible states are: Success,
Failure, Approval Rejected, Awaiting Approval, Running,
Scheduled, Cancelled, and Unknown. You can use the
variable ${p:warningCount}, which holds the number of
warnings that occurred on the process. (Embedded)",
"post-deploy-put-url": "The URL that the post-deploy-
message is PUT to. (Optional)",
"properties": {"Property name": "Property value
"recurrencePattern": "To make a scheduled process recur,
specify 'D' (daily), 'W' (weekly), or 'M' (monthly).
"snapshot": "Snapshot name or ID (Optional)",
"versions": [{
"component": "Component name or ID for the version, if
you are using version name instead of ID.",
"version": "Version name or ID (Repeat as necessary.
Not used with snapshots)"
udclient -username jsmith -password passwd
requestApplicationProcess runProcess.json
Example JSON request
"application": "JPetStore",
"description": "Requesting deployment",
"applicationProcess": "Deploy JPetStore",
"environment": "Tutorial environment 1",
"onlyChanged": false,
"properties": {
"Prop1": "value1"
"versions": [
"version": "1.0",
"component": "JPetStore-APP"
"version": "1.0",
"component": "JPetStore-WEB"
"version": "1.0",
"component": "JPetStore-DB"
Example JSON request
You can also use the keywordslatest
, latestVersion
and newest
in place of component version names. In
this case, the process uses the most recently created component version.
The following example shows how you can use these keywords in the
JSON request.{
"application": "JPetStore",
"description": "Deploying newest versions",
"applicationProcess": "Deploy JPetStore",
"environment": "Tutorial environment 1",
"onlyChanged": false,
"properties": {
"Prop1": "value1"
"versions": [
"version": "newest",
"component": "JPetStore-APP"
"version": "latest",
"component": "JPetStore-WEB"
"version": "latestVersion",
"component": "JPetStore-DB"
Example response
"requestId": "f7e7b00d-8ea6-4a95-ad74-0ff853125232"
Related REST command: Run an application process.