Agent installation properties
The agent properties in the file control details about the agent, including how it connects to the server.
Property | Default value | Description |
agentcomm.pinLimitEnforcement.enabled | true |
The agent default property which is set by the system. Ensure that
you do not edit or delete this property. The property is added in the v8.0.1.3. |
agentcomm.server.uri | random:(wss://,wss:// | For Web agents, the WebSocket connection that is used to communicate with the server. The WebSocket secure URL must have the format wss://host-or-ip:port. Each server must have a unique URL, and every server in a HA cluster must be able to connect to this URL. |
agentcomm.proxy.uri | random:(http://relay1:20080,http://relay2:20080) | For Web agents, the WebSocket connection that is used to communicate with an agent relay. |
com.urbancode.air.devilfish.apps.plug in.PluginRuntimeServer.execExecutorScale |
4 | The number of concurrent processes per CPU. For example, if the agent host has 2 CPUs then by default the agent can run ( 2*4 = ) 8 concurrent processes. You can change the setting to another value based on your environment needs. Refer to the technote for more information. | nix.scriptLocation |
None | The location to which the impersonation scripts are written before they are run on the agent. For example, to write scripts to the folder /opt/devops-deploy/agent/scripts, use this | nix.scriptMode |
None | This property represents the file permissions to use for the scripts that are written for each impersonation step. For example, to set the file permissions to 0750, which means that the owner can read, write, and execute, and the group can read and execute but not write, use this | nix.scriptPostExecuteAction |
None | With this property, you can specify a script to run after each step that uses impersonation. For example: | nix.scriptPreExecuteAction |
None | With this property, you can specify a script to run before each step that uses impersonation. For example: |
locked/agent.home | /opt/devops-deploy/agent | The installation directory for the agent. |
locked/agent.initial.teams | None | Use this option to assign a team to your agent. The value to specify is the team name. To specify the agent's security type for a team, provide the team and security type in the following format: team:type. Separate multiple teams by commas. Trailing spaces are ignored. |
locked/agent.keystore | /opt/devops-deploy/keys/common.keystore | The path to the agent keystore. |
locked/agent.keystore.pwd | changeit | The agent keystore password. |
locked/ | deployagent | The name of the agent. Agent names must be unique. You cannot change an agent name by editing this value. Rename agents in the graphical user interface by clicking the Edit icon that is associated with an agent in the resource tree. |
locked/agent.service | true | Specify true to configure the agent to run as a service on Windows™. |
locked/ | DevOps Deploy Agent | The name of the agent service. This property applies only when the agent is installed as a service on Windows™. |
locked/agent.service.login | .\\localsystem | The service user account. The account must have the correct permissions to run a service. This property applies only when the agent is installed as a service on Windows™. |
locked/agent.service.password | nopass | The password that is associated with the service user. This property applies only when the agent is installed as a service on Windows™. |
locked/agent.service.autostart | false | Specify true to configure the agent to run automatically when Windows™ starts. This property applies only when the agent is installed as a service on Windows™. | | hcl |
Mentions vendor name. |
verify.server.identity | false | Specify true to configure the agent to reject self-signed certificates when connecting to the server. See Enabling server identity verification. |
server.token | An authentication token to be used to import z/OS component versions. The token is encrypted after the first time it is used. | |
server.url | | The web URL for the Deploy server. |
agent.containerized | false | Specify true
if the agent is running in a container. You cannot
upgrade containerized agents or perform Java
management actions using the WebUI. |
z/OS agent properties
Property | Example value | Description |
mvs.sysoutclass | C | The SYSOUT class to be used. |
mvs.tempunit | 237 | The UNIT value to be used for creating temporary datasets. |
mvs.tempvolser | 13230 | The VOLSER value to be used for creating temporary datasets. |