Compact agent changes: Summary

A new installation or upgrade establishes the following changes:

• Running a compact agent doesn't show any monitor process.

• Restarting or upgrading changes the worker process identifier (PID).

• The /monitor directory is removed.

• The JAVA_HOME variable is set to the content of the /conf/agent/javahome.conf file. The set_env setting is ignored.

• File changes in the agent installation directory are as follows:

File or folder Previous location New location Description /bin/shutdown /var/shutdown /bin/restart /var/restart
classpath.conf /bin/classpath.conf /conf/agent/classpath.conf Content is unmodified.
worker-args.conf /bin/worker-args.conf /conf/agent/javaopts.conf The javaopts.conf file contains a list of options for the Java executable file that runs the agent.
upgrade.out /bin/upgrade.out /var/log/upgrade.log
agent-upgrade /agent-upgrade (or /bin/agent-upgrade /var/upgrade/unpack
air-agentupgrade.jar /bin/air-agentupgrade.jar /var/upgrade/air-agentupgrade.jar
launcher.jar /monitor/launcher.jar /lib/launcher.jar

The /conf/agent/javahome.conf file contains a single line that is the path to the Java installation that runs the agent.

The following list identifies Windows-specific changes after a new installation or upgrade:

• The /bin/agent.cmd and /native/<cpu>/winservice.exe files replace the /bin/agent.exe file.

• The process removes the /bin/run_agent.cmd, /bin/start_agent.cmd, /bin/stop_agent.cmd files.

• If you run the agent as a service, restarting it restarts the entire service. Therefore, changes to the system environment are reflected in the agent's environment.

• The agent service configuration is no longer stored in the registry. Environment variables are defined in the /bin/set_env.cmd file and reflected in the agent's environment. This means that the service mode and agent run or agent start are more consistent.

• The process does not migrate the custom environment variables that are defined in previous service registry entries.

• Some side-effects of scripting in the set_env.cmd file might no longer apply. Changes to the environment are explicitly detected and saved. Other script continues to run and side-effects affects the entire system. For example, modifications to the file system still apply to the agent.

• The following files are replaced by the /var/log/stdout log file:


Note that the previous files are not removed but new files are not created.

• The service name cannot be customized. The service name is generated from a hash of the agent installation path and is unique to each installation on a computer.