Managing the CCRC WAN server connection from Visual Studio

You can connect to and disconnect from the CCRC WAN server from the Visual Studio IDE.

Before you begin

Install the ClearTeam Explorer Remote Client or the ClearCase® Explorer for Windows, specifying the ClearCase for Visual Studio package. See Installing ClearTeam Explorer for Microsoft Visual Studio.

About this task

In the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE views where the ClearCase menus are available, you can connect and disconnect the CCRC WAN server from:
  • The Connect option on the ClearCase menu
  • The ClearCase - Web toolbar
  • The pop-up menu of the web views that are listed in FrontDesk > Views
  • The pop-up menu of the solutions that are listed under the FrontDesk > Views
  • The pop-up menu of the File and Project, Solution actions that are listed in Solution Explorer.
Note: When the CCRC WAN server is disconnected, ClearCase operations that depend on a server connection are not available on the ClearCase menus in Visual Studio. For example, the Check In and Check Out options are not shown on the ClearCase menus in Visual Studio when the server is disconnected.


To enable the ClearCase - Web toolbar in Visual Studio:
  1. Use the Visual Studio Tools > Customize action to manage the Visual Studio toolbars.
  2. Add the command to show the ClearCase - Web toolbar.
To connect to the CCRC WAN server:
  1. From the ClearCase - Web toolbar in the Visual Studio IDE, click Connect.
  2. Specify the credentials to log in to the server.
    You can edit the server URL to connect to any available CCRC WAN server.
To disconnect from the CCRC WAN server:
  1. On the ClearCase - Web toolbar, click Disconnect.
  2. Select the servers that you want to disconnect. (To disable the confirmation prompt, remove the selection for the Always prompt before disconnecting option.)