The DevOps Code ClearCase integration with Visual Studio

DevOps Code ClearCase® integration for Microsoft Visual Studio provides an interface for issuing DevOps Code ClearCase commands. After the ClearCase for Visual Studio integration is installed and set up, you can manage the following ClearCase operations from the Visual Studio IDE:

  • Check files in and out
  • Compare versions
  • Start deliver and rebase operations
  • Update snapshot views and web views
  • Connect and disconnect the CCRC WAN server
    Note: For information about the CCRC WAN server connection management feature, see technote 463609.

After the integration is installed, the following items are added to the Visual Studio display.

DevOps Code ClearCase Add-in toolbar DevOps Code ClearCase Status in Project Explorer DevOps Code ClearCase Status in Visual C++ FileView DevOps Code ClearCase Web toolbar
