Removing activities

Use the Remove Activity option in the ClearTeam Details view to delete UCM activities.


To remove a UCM activity:
  1. In the ClearTeam Navigator, move to the ClearCase® view that contains the UCM activity that you want to remove.
  2. Click the (+) next to the view name to expand the view node.
    The My Activities node is displayed.
  3. Click the My Activities node and UCM activities related to that view appear in the ClearTeam Details view.
    Note that you can also access activities you want to remove by navigating through the UCM Project VOB to the Activities node of a specific UCM project.
  4. In the ClearTeam Details view, right-click the UCM activity that you want to delete and select Remove Activity from the context menu. Note that you can select multiple activities.


Any currently selected activities are removed.