
Removes a project or project template



Command type


cleartool subcommand






  • Remove a project:
    rmproj/ect [ –c/omment comment | –cfi/le comment-file-pname
    | –cq/uery | –nc/omment ] [ –f/orce ] project-selector ...
  • Remove a project template:
    rmproj/ect [ –c/omment comment | –cfi/le comment-file-pname
    –template [ –f/orce ]


The rmproject command deletes one or more projects. All streams must be removed before deleting a project. You cannot delete a project that contains a stream.

You can also use the rmproject command to delete a project template for a PVOB. You must use the command from the PVOB directory.

Projects enabled for ClearQuest

When you delete a project that uses the UCM integration with ClearQuest®, the project is unlinked from its associated ClearQuest record, but the ClearQuest record is not deleted.



You must have one of the following identities:

  • Project owner
  • Project VOB owner
  • root (UNIX and Linux)
  • Member of the ClearCase administrators group (ClearCase on Windows only)


An error occurs if there are locks on any of the following objects: the project VOB, the project.


(Replicated VOBs only) Your current replica must master the project.

Options and arguments

Event records and comments

Creates one or more event records, with commenting controlled by your .clearcase_profile file (default: –nc). See the comments reference page. Comments can be edited with chevent.
–c/omment comment | –cfi/le comment-file-pname |–cq/uery | –cqe/ach | –nc/omment
Overrides the default with the option you specify. See the comments reference page.

Confirmation step

Prompts for confirmation that the specified project is to be deleted.
Suppresses the confirmation step.

Specifying the project

project-selector ...
Specifies one or more projects to delete.

project-selector is of the form [project:]project-name[@vob-selector], where vob-selector specifies the project's project VOB.

Removing a project template

Removes the project template for a project VOB. The command must be used from the project VOB directory. You must have administrator privileges to use this option.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you might need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you might need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Remove a project that contains a stream.
    1. Issue the rmproject command:

      cmd-context rmproject html_parser
      Remove project "html_parser"?  [no] yes
      cleartool: Error: Cannot remove project that has streams.
      cleartool: Error: Unable to remove project "html_parser".

    2. Use lsproject –long to see a detailed description of the project, including a list of any streams contained by the project:

      cmd-context lsproject –long html_parser
      cleartool lsproject -l html_parser
      project "html_parser"
      2007-09-07T11:24:27 by Bsmith
        owner: bsmith
        group: user
        folder: parsers
        title: html_parser
        integration stream: html_parser_int
        development streams:
        modifiable components:
        default rebase promotion level: INITIAL
        recommended baselines:

    3. Remove the stream. The –force option bypasses the confirmation step.

      cmd-context rmstream -force html_parser_int
      Removed stream "html_parser_int".

    4. Reissue the rmproject command:

      cmd-context rmproject -force  html_parser
      Removed project "html_parser".