
Lists information about a baseline



Command type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase Remote Client

rcleartool subcommand






  • List baseline information per stream or component or by promotion level:
    lsbl [ –s/hort | –l/ong | –fmt format-string | –tre/e
    | –mem/ber_of [ –r/ecurse ] ]

    [ –lev/el promotion-level | [ –ltl/evel promotion-level ]

    [ –gtl/evel promotion-level ] ]

    [ –com/ponent component-selector ] [ –obs/olete ]

    [ –str/eam stream-selector | –cvi/ew ] [–stime_d/esc ]

  • List information for one or more specific baselines:
    lsbl [ –s/hort | –l/ong | –fmt format-string | –tre/e
    | –mem/ber_of [ –r/ecurse ] ] [ –obs/olete ] [ baseline-selector ... ]


The lsbl command lists information for one or more baselines.



Options and arguments

Specifying the output

A one-line summary of each baseline.
Displays only the name of each baseline.
For noncomposite baselines, displays detailed information for each baseline, including ownership, creation, and label information and the stream, component, change sets, and promotion level associated with the baseline.

For composite baselines, displays baselines that the composite directly depends on.

–fmt format-string
Displays information in the specified format. For details, see the fmt_ccase reference page.
Displays a list of streams and baselines associated with one or more baselines. The list is indented to show the order of succession for baselines.
–mem/ber_of [ –r/ecurse ]
Used by itself, displays the composite baselines of which each baseline is a direct member. Used with the –recurse option, displays all baselines of which each baseline is a direct or indirect member. The list is indented to show the baseline hierarchy.

Filtering by promotion level

All promotion levels.
–lev/el promotion-level
Displays a list of baselines that are at the specified promotion level. An error results if the specified level is not in the project VOB's current list of valid promotion levels. This option modifies the –stream and –component options. For general information about promotion levels, see the setplevel reference page.
–ltl/evel promotion-level
Displays a list of baselines whose promotion level is lower than the one specified by the promotion-level argument. For example, your project has four promotion levels in this order: PROTOTYPE, REVIEWED, TESTED, CERTIFIED. If you use the argument –ltlevel TESTED, the lsbl command displays a list of all baselines whose promotion level is PROTOTYPE or REVIEWED. This option modifies the –stream and –component options.
–gtl/evel promotion-level
Displays a list of baselines whose promotion level is greater than the one specified. This option modifies the –stream and –component options.

Specifying the baseline

–com/ponent component-selector
Displays a list of baselines of the specified component.
–str/eam stream-selector
Displays a list of baselines created in the specified stream.
Displays a list of baselines created in the stream attached to the current view.
Print the baseline list in reverse or descending order based on the timeline.
baseline-selector ...
Specifies one or more baselines for which information is displayed.

Listing obsolete baselines

Lists only nonobsolete baselines.
Includes obsolete baselines in the listing. Obsolete baselines are those that have been processed with lock –obsolete.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you might need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you might need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Display a summary (the default) of baselines of the specified component.

    cmd-context lsbl -component parser@/vobs_core_projects
    2007-09-17T12:06:59  parser_INITIAL.112  bill   "parser_INITIAL"
    component: parser

  • Display a description of baselines created in a stream:

    cmd-context lsbl -stream java_int@/vobs_core_projects
    2007-09-17T13:56:10  testbl.121  bill   "testbl"
      stream: java_int
      component: parser
    2007-09-17T14:05:30  new_bl.121  bill   "new_bl"
      stream: java_int
      component: parser

  • Display a list of streams and baselines associated with one or more baselines.

    cmd-context lsbl -tree baseline:comp_INITIAL@/vobs_test_projects
    comp_INITIAL baseline (initial)
    DEV1 stream
      DEV1_BL1 baseline
      deliverbl.DEV1.20010703.094103 baseline
    INT stream
      INT_BL1 baseline

  • Display all baselines of which the baseline cvob2_INITIAL is a direct or indirect member. In this example, cvob2_INITIAL is a direct member of bl_test6, which in turn is a direct member of bl_test9. cvob2_INITIAL is an indirect member of bl_test9.

    cmd-context lsbl -member_of -recurse cvob2_INITIAL
    2007-02-19T14:07:07 cvob2_INITIAL donald "cvob2_INITIAL"
    component: cvob2@/var/tmp/pvob
    member of:
      bl_test6@/var/tmp/pvob (cvob3@/var/tmp/pvob)
       bl_test9@/var/tmp/pvob (cvob@/var/tmp/pvob)