Changing the display of DevOps Code ClearCase Project Explorer

The View menu provides commands to control the display of the Project Explorer.

View menu controls

From the View menu you can select the following options to set the display of the Project Explorer. Depending on your environment and platform, some options may not be available.

Displays the toolbar whose icons let you join a project, deliver work, rebase a stream, view properties of an object, and move one level up in the hierarchy of UCM objects.
Status Bar
Displays the status of the Project Explorer in a bar at the bottom of the window.
Large Icons
Uses large icons to display the objects that belong to the object currently selected in the Project Tree pane. For example, when you select a project in the Project Tree pane, Project Explorer displays all streams that belong to that project in the Details pane.
Small Icons
Uses small icons to display the objects that belong to the object currently selected in the Project Tree pane. For example, when you select a project in the Project Tree pane, Project Explorer displays all streams that belong to that project in the Details pane.
Uses a vertical list to display the objects that belong to the object currently selected in the Project Tree pane. For example, when you select a project in the Project Tree pane, Project Explorer displays all streams that belong to that project in the Details pane.
For the object selected in the Project Tree pane, displays the description and date created in the Details pane.
Show My Streams Only
Displays in the Project Tree pane only the streams that you created. If your project contains many development streams, you may find it easier to work by setting this option.
Show All Project VOBs
Displays in the Project Tree pane all PVOBs in the network region. When you start Project Explorer, it shows only the last selected object during your previous Project Explorer session. To navigate in the Project Tree pane to a different PVOB, set this option.
Show Obsolete Items
Displays in the Project Tree pane objects that have been locked with the obsolete option. When you lock a DevOps Code ClearCase® object, such as a stream or a project, you can specify the obsolete option, which removes the object from Project Explorer displays.
Show My Activities Only
Limits the activities that are shown in the Details pane to those that you own. The default is to show all activities in the project. In a project with many activities, setting this option can decrease the time that Project Explorer takes to refresh the Details pane display.
Hide Completed Activities
Only for a stream in a project that is enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®. Set this option to prevent from being displayed in the Details pane those activities in the Rational ClearQuest user database that are in the Complete state.
Customize Activity Display
Displays the Customize Activity Display window to let you set and clear the following options:
  • Set Show Activities only to limit to activities the display of information in the Details pane. Clear the option to display stream and activities information.
  • Set Show Activities before Streams to have activity information appear at the top of the Details pane. Clear this option to have streams information displayed first, followed by activity information.
  • Set Show Streams before Activities to have stream information appear at the top of the Details pane. Clear this option to have activity information displayed first, followed by streams information.
In Activity fields to display, control the following columns in the Details pane:
  • Set ID (for a project that is enabled for Rational ClearQuest) to display in the ID column the Rational ClearQuest identification of the activity. Clear this option to omit the column.
  • Set State (for a project that is enabled for Rational ClearQuest) to display in the Activity State column whether the activity in theRational ClearQuest user database is completed (Complete) or still being worked on (Active). Clear this option to omit the column.
Causes the Project Explorer to repaint its display to show the latest changes.
Only on Linux or the UNIX system. Opens a window in which Project Explorer records information about some operations that you perform while in Project Explorer. You may find the information in the transcript window useful for debugging purposes.