Removing a view

When you remove a view, you must also remove any references to it held by VOBs.

About this task

To permanently remove a view (including its entries in the DevOps Code ClearCase® registry and all references to the view held by any VOBs), use the DevOps Code ClearCaseAdministration Console:
  1. Navigate to the view storage node for the view. This is a subnode of the host node for the host where the view storage directory resides.
  2. Click Action > All Tasks > Remove View.

You can also use the cleartool rmview command.

If you have tried to remove a view by simply removing its storage directory, use the following procedure to remove references to the view still held by VOBs.


  1. Run the cleartool describe command, and note the view's UUID from the list of views referenced by a VOB:

    cleartool describe –long vob:vob_tag

    If the view tag still exists, you can use lsview –long to find the view UUID.
  2. If the view tag still exists, remove it from the registry.
    In the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, you can use the View Tags node for the tag's regions to remove view tags. You can also use the following command:

    cleartool rmtag –view view_tag

  3. Unregister the view.
    In the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, you can use the View Object node to remove a view object. You can also run the following command, using the view's UUID from Step 1:

    cleartool unregister –view –uuid uuid  

  4. Remove references to this view from each VOB that holds them. In the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, you can use the Referenced Views subnode of a VOB storage node to remove a view's records from a VOB. You can also run the following command, using the view's UUID from Step 1:

    cleartool rmview –all –uuid uuis

What to do next

After you have removed references to the view from all VOBs, remove the view storage directory if any of it remains.