Configuring the ClearQuest integration with ClearCase UCM

Before you begin

The ClearQuest® integration with ClearCase® UCM uses HTTP-based protocols to permit the CCRC WAN server and the ClearQuest web server to reside on different machines in the network.

About this task

The CCRC WAN server consults a configuration file to determine how to connect to ClearQuest web servers to process integration requests. By default, this file resides in the ClearCase configuration directory: ccase-home-dir/config/ccrc/cq-db-mapfile.conf. You can override the default location using the ccrcClearQuestDatabaseMapFile configuration parameter in server.conf. A sample ClearQuest database map file that you can use as a template is installed here: ccase-home-dir/config/ccrc/cq-db-mapfile.conf.sample.

Each entry in the map file must contain the following parameters:
  • UDB=user-database. The name of the user database can be found in the Eclipse ClearQuest Schema Designer in the properties window of the ClearQuest Database Admin perspective of the repository database. Then name can also be found in the "name" field in the master_dbs table in the repository database.
  • DBSet=connection-name. The name of the connection in the ClearQuest maintenance tool.
  • OSLC-URI=URI. The OSLC URI for the ClearQuest web server hosting the user database; this is the URI that the CCRC WAN server uses to make OSLC requests. Default: http://CQWeb_server-name/cqweb/oslc.
  • CQ-TEAM-URI=URI. The ClearQuest CM Server URI for the ClearQuest web server hosting the user database; this is the URI that the ClearTeam Explorer client will use to make ClearQuest web service requests. Default: http://CQWeb_server-name/TeamWeb/services/Team.
Note: The two URIs should refer to the same logical ClearQuest Web server machine, but will have different paths and possibly different domain names.
The following requirements apply to the connection of the CCRC WAN server to the ClearQuest web server OSLC:
  • The connection cannot go through an HTTP proxy unless it is a non-authenticating proxy.
  • If the connection is an HTTP/SSL connection and an SSL certificate exception occurs during the connection process, the CCRC WAN server ignores the exception.


  1. Create one entry in the ClearQuest database map file for the ClearQuest user database that is to be used in ClearCase UCM/ClearQuest integration operations by users of that CCRC WAN server: UDB=user-database,DBSet=connection-name,OSLC-URI=URI,CQ-TEAM-URI=URI
  2. Repeat Step 1 for all other user databases that are to be used in this manner.


If your ClearTeam Explorer users go through a firewall or proxy to access the ClearQuest web server, the domain name will typically be that of the proxy, not the ClearQuest web server itself. Here is a sample user database entry: UDB=RATLC,DBSet=RATLC.LEX1,OSLC-URI=http://server1/ClearQuestweb/oslc,CQ-TEAM-URI=http://server1/TeamWeb/services/Team