Using CMI

After CMI has been configured for UCM or base ClearCase® and you have created associations between activities and tasks, your development work proceeds in the same manner as it would without CMI.

  • Use the cmiregister command to establish and manage your task provider credentials. Refer to the cmiregister reference page for details.
  • If you work in UCM,
    • Create UCM activities with task associations using the mkactivity command and specify the -task option (see the reference page).
    • Associate UCM activities with tasks, using setactivity -tasks (see the reference page).
    • Add task associations to UCM activities (or remove the associations), using chactivity -task (see the reference page).
    • List CMI-provided tasks that are available for association with UCM activities, using lsactivity -find (see the reference page).
  • If you work in base ClearCase,
    • Use the settask command to associates change-management tasks with views.
    • Use the lstask command to lists the tasks that are associated with a view.
    • Use the chtask command to changes the tasks that are associated with a version.