News - List

Display the latest or selected posts of one or more community as a link.


Content source

A Connections community or standalone blog is defined as content source for this widget. The source has to contain at least one blog entry.

The entries are shown with date and headline. If you have selected news, a more News link will appear in the right corner at the bottom of the widget, which will link to this community.

Since Connections Engagement Center Version 9 you can aggregate news from different communities. If you will aggregate news, there will be no more News link.

With a click on an entry an Embedded Experience Pop Up opens on the right side next to the widget. The pop-up contains the complete content of the blog entry, including all comments and likes. Within the Embedded Experience the article can be liked/unliked and commented. It also contains an Open in Community link underneath the article that forwards to the actual blog entry.

You can get the community title as the widget title by entering %sourceName% into the widget title.

Configuration options for Admin/Page Editor


Number of Items

Content Creation


Date and time are displayed in the following format: "31 July 2013 02:16". The format can be changed within the language files.