Configuring single sign-on
Set up single sign-on integration between IBM® Connections and other IBM® products and third-party security products.
How single sign-on works
IBM® Connections uses single sign-on (SSO) to secure the transfer of user ID and password information that is used to authenticate with the system. With SSO, users can switch to different applications without needing to authenticate again.
SSO is automatically enabled using WebSphere's built-in Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) when IBM® Connections is installed on a single WebSphere® Application Server profile or when different profiles are federated into the same cell.
Server-to-server authentication
SSO solutions can inadvertently block back-end server-to-server communication. IBM® Connections uses a server-to-server authenticator to prevent internal communication being blocked by your SSO solution. The configuration settings for the authenticator are stored in the customAuthenticator element in the LotusConnections-config.xml file.