Migrating 5.0 and 5.5 databases with the wizard
Migrate your HCL Connections™ 5.0 or 5.5 databases by using the database wizard. Versions 5.0 GA and 5.0 with CRs, and versions 5.5 GA and 5.5 with CRs can be migrated by using the database wizard.
Before you begin
If you use different database instances for the home page and Profiles database, run the wizard first on the instance that hosts the home page database.
Update the home page database manually. By using the manual method, you can back up the home page database after each step. This precaution is useful because updating the home page database, if it is large, can take considerably more time than the other databases. If you choose this option, update the home page database before you update any other database. After you update the home page database, you can use the wizard to update the remaining databases. For more information about manually updating databases, see Migrating 5.0 and 5.5 databases manually.
- Before removing (or dropping) a database, stop Connections first to ensure that no database connection is in use; otherwise you will not drop the user and the database removal will not occur.
- If you run dbWizard.bat but the database wizard does not launch, check whether you have 32-bit DB2 installed. You need to have 64-bit DB2 on a 64-bit system.
(Oracle only) Ensure that the Statement cache size for the data sources on WebSphere Application Server is no larger than 50. A higher value could lead to Out Of Memory errors on the application server instance.
(SQL Server only) Ensure that the name of the home page database instance is not null. If it is null, rename it to HOMEPAGE. Also, log on as administrator to run SQL server commands; otherwise, you might see file system permission issues during the migration.
(SQL Server only) Ensure that Named Pipes is enabled in the SQL Server Network Configuration for all instances. For more information, see your SQL Server documentation.
Before you can use the wizard to create databases for your IBM® Connections deployment, prepare the database server as described in the Installing section in Creating databases.(SQL Server only) Allow the user that is running the migration tool write access to the TEMP folder defined for the user that is logged in when running the SQLServer instance. Find the SQLServer instance user by opening the Windows "Services" Administrative Tool. The correct service is called SQL Server followed by the server instance name in parenthesis. Right click the service and select "Properties" from the context menu. Switch to the Log On tab in the properties dialog, the user is in the This account text box.
About this task
To update your databases with the database wizard, complete the following steps:
- Stop the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server instances that host Connections 5.0 or 5.5.
- Optional: If the database servers and Connections are on different systems, copy the 6.0 database wizard to the system that hosts your Connections databases.
- Log in as the database administrator.
(DB2® on Windows™
OS.) You must perform DB2® administration tasks with full
administrator privileges.
- Logged in as the instance owner, open a command prompt and change to the DB2® bin directory. For example: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN.
- Enter the following command: db2cwadmin.bat. This command opens the DB2® command line processor while also setting your DB2® privileges.
Change to the directory where the database wizard is stored. The default location is the
Wizards directory on the installation media.
Note: (AIX® and Linux™ only) Ensure that the database administrator has all permissions for the Connections Wizards directory.
Enter the following command and then click Next:
- AIX® or Linux™:
- Windows™:
- AIX® or Linux™:
- Select the Update task and click Next.
Specify the database type, database instance, and the installation location, and then click
Next. The wizard detects the current database version.
Note: For SQL Server:
- If the default instance is used, then enter "\" into the Database Instance field.
- If a non-default instance is used, then enter the instance name in the format "<instance name>" into the Database Instance field. "\<instance name>" and ".\<instance name>" are in the wrong format.
Select the databases that you want to update and click Next:
- Activities: OPNACT
- Blogs: BLOGS
- Bookmarks: DOGEAR
- Communities: SNCOMM
- Files: FILES
- Forum: FORUM
- Home page: HOMEPAGE
- Metrics: METRICS
- Mobile: MOBILE
- Profiles: PEOPLEDB
- Wikis: WIKIS
- Push notification: PNS
Note: The database wizard disables the selection of any applications that were not released in 5.0 or 5.5 - (SQL Server only) Enter the password for the home page database user.
- If prompted, provide the port, administrator ID, and administrator password for the database.
Review the Pre Configuration Task Summary to ensure that the values you entered are correct. If
you want to change any values, click Back to edit the value. To continue,
click Update.
Note: Click Show detailed database commands to display the commands. To save the commands, ensure that the user who is running the database wizard has write access to the destination folder. Click Execute to run the commands.Note: If the database wizard encounters any unexpected SQL error, it stops and displays the Post Configuration Task Summary with details of the error. It also shows which database upgrades were stopped so that you can correct the error immediately, and then rerun the wizard to resume processing database upgrades.
- After the update task finishes, review the Post Configuration Task Summary. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
- Run the database wizard again to create the Push Notification database. For more information, see Creating databases. The Connections Content Manager database should be already created in versions 5.0 and 5.5. This step is only necessary when going from versions 5.0, 5.5 as customers should already have the Push Notification database.
What to do next
(DB2® for Linux™ on System z® only.) To improve database performance, enable the NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING option. For more information, see the Enabling NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING for DB2 on System z topic.
You must also relaunch the database wizard to create Push Notification database, which a new database for Connections 6.0.