updateSilent command

Use the updateSilent command to run the update wizard in silent mode.


The updateSilent command:

  • Installs fixes
  • Uninstalls fixes
  • Reports on the current state of applied fixes
Note: The updateSilent command was called the updateLC command in previous releases of IBM® Connections.




Displays command usage information.
Displays command usage information.
Identifies the update as an interim fix update.
Instructs the command to display interim fix detail information.
-fixDir <directory>
Specifies the fully qualified directory to which you downloaded the interim fixes. The recommended directory is connections_root/update/fixes.
-fixes <fix1> <fix2>
Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fixes to install or uninstall.
Displays command usage information.
Displays command usage information.
Installs the update.
-installDir <directory>
Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the IBM® Connections product. By default, this directory is connections_root.
Note: If you are applying an interim fix to applications in a cluster, apply the fix to the first node and then do a full synchronization to push the fix to the other nodes.
Uninstalls the identified fix.
Uninstalls all applied interim fixes.
Displays command usage information.
-wasPassword <password>
Required to install or uninstall. Identifies the succeeding text as a WebSphere® Application Server Deployment Manager administrative user password.
-wasUserId <AdminUserId>
Required to install or uninstall. Specifies the user ID of the WebSphere® Application Server administrative user.
-featureCustomizationBackedUp <backup_status>
Confirms whether you backed up any customizations that you made to the IBM® Connections interface. The possible values are yes|no. This parameter does not validate any such backup; it is just a reminder to consider backing up any customizations because updates to your deployment could overwrite your customizations.


Use the specified syntax to perform the following common tasks:
  • To display command usage information:
    updateSilent -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage
  • To process a fix:
    updateSilent -installDir <connections_root>
    -fixDir <connections_root/update/fixes> 
    -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll
    -fixes <space-delimited list of fixes>
    -wasUserId <AdminUserId> -wasPassword <AdminPwd>
    [-configProperties "property file name and path"]
    -featureCustomizationBackedUp yes
  • To display a list of applied fixes:
    updateSilent -fix 
    -installDir <connections_root>
  • To display a list of available fixes:
    updateSilent -fix 
    -installDir <connections_root>
    -fixDir <connections_root/update/fixes> 


The following examples demonstrate how to perform common tasks with the updateSilent command. They assume the following conditions:
  • The location of the update wizard is: C:\IBM\Connections\update
  • The IBM® Connections installation root is: C:\IBM\Connections
  • The fix repository is: C:\IBM\Connections\updateInstaller\fixes
Note: The examples include carriage returns after each parameter to make the example easier to read. When using the command, do not add carriage returns after the parameters.
To install a collection of interim fixes:
	updateSilent -fix 
	-installDir "C:\IBM\Connections" 
	-fixDir "C:\IBM\Connections\updateInstaller\fixes" 
	-install -fixes Fix1 Fix2
	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd
	-featureCustomizationBackedUp yes
To install a collection of interim fixes and display interim fix details:
	updateSilent -fix 
	-installDir "C:\IBM\Connections" 
	-fixDir "C:\IBM\Connections\updateInstaller\fixes" 
	-install -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -fixDetails
	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd
	-featureCustomizationBackedUp yes
To uninstall a collection of interim fixes:
	updateSilent -fix 
	-installDir "C:\IBM\Connections" 
	-fixDir "C:\IBM\Connections\updateInstaller\fixes" 
	-uninstall -fixes Fix1 Fix2
	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd
	-featureCustomizationBackedUp yes
To display a list of interim fixes:
	updateSilent -fix
	-installDir "C:\IBM\Connections" 
To display a list of interim fixes available in the repository:
	updateSilent -fix 
	-installDir "C:\IBM\Connections" 
	-fixDir "C:\IBM\Connections\updateInstaller\fixes"