Modifying the installation in interactive mode
Modify your deployment of IBM® Connections by adding or removing applications.
About this task
To modify your installation, complete the following steps:
- Open a command prompt and change to the IM_root directory.
- Run the following command:
- AIX® or Linux™: ./launcher
- Windows™: launcher.exe
- From the IBM® Installation Manager menu, click .
- Click Repositories.
- In the Repositories area, select the repositories that you want to modify.
- Click OK to save your selections.
- Click Modify.
- Select IBM® Connections and click Next.
- In the Application Selection page, choose the applications
you want to add or remove and then click Next.
- Add applications: Select the check boxes of any applications that are not already installed and that you want to add to your deployment.
- Remove applications: Clear the check boxes of any installed applications that you want to remove from your deployment.
Notes:- All installed applications are selected by default.
- The Home page, News, and Search applications are required and cannot be removed.
Enter the administrative ID and password of the Deployment Manager.
Note: This ID is set to the connectionsAdmin J2C authentication alias, which is mapped to the following Java™ EE roles: dsx-admin, widget-admin, and search-admin. It is also used by the service integration bus. If you plan to use security management software such as Tivoli® Access Manager or SiteMinder, the ID that you specify here must exist in the LDAP directory. For more information, see the Switching to unique administrator IDs for system level communication topic.
- Configure
your topology:Notes:
- The panel described in this step appears only if you selected new applications to install.
- The applications for Connections Content Manager will not be shown if you have chosen to use an existing FileNet® deployment.
- If you select an existing cluster on which to deploy applications, the nodes in that cluster are fixed and cannot be modified.
- Small deployment:
- Select the Small deployment topology.
- Enter a Cluster name for the topology.
- Select a Node.
- Click Next.
- Medium deployment:
- Select the Medium deployment topology.
- Select the default
value or enter a Cluster name for each application
or for groups of applications. For example, use Cluster1 for Activities,
Communities, and Forums. Note: IBM® Installation Manager creates servers and clusters when required.
- Select a Node for
each cluster. Accept the predefined node or select a different node.Note: These nodes host application server instances that serve IBM® Connections applications. You can assign multiple nodes to a cluster, where each node is a server member of that cluster.
- Enter a Server
member name for the selected node. Choose the default
or enter a custom name.Note: If you enter a custom server member name, the name must be unique across all nodes in your deployment.
- Click Next.
- Large deployment:
- Select the Large deployment topology.
- Enter a Cluster
name for each application. Note: IBM® Installation Manager creates servers and clusters when required.
- Select a Node for
each cluster. Accept the predefined node or select a different node.Note: These nodes host application server instances that serve IBM® Connections applications. You can assign multiple nodes to a cluster, where each node is a server member of that cluster.
- Enter a Server
member name for the selected node. Choose the default
or enter a custom name.Note: If you enter a custom server member name, the name must be unique across all nodes in your deployment.
- Click Next.
Enter the database information. Note: The panel described in this step appears only if you selected new applications to install and if the new applications require database configuration.Note: The IBM® Connections Content Manager databases will not be shown if you have chosen to use an existing FileNet® deployment.Note: Database information for Global Configuration Data and Object Store must be set correctly or installation will fail.
- In the summary panel, confirm your selection and click Modify.
- When the modification process is complete, restart the
Deployment Manager and all the nodes.Note: Wait until the DM copies all the application EAR files to the installedApps directory on each of the nodes. This process can take up to 30 minutes.
To verify that the DM has distributed the application EAR files to the nodes, check the SystemOut.log file of each node agent. The default path to the SystemOut.log file on a node is profile_root/logs/nodeagent.
Look for a message such as the following example: ADMA7021I: Distribution of application application_name completed successfully. where application_name is the name of an IBM® Connections application.
To confirm that the installation was successful, open the log files in the connections_root/logs directory. Each IBM® Connections application that you installed has a log file, using the following naming format: application_nameInstall.log, where application_name is the name of an IBM® Connections application. Search for the words error or exception to check whether any errors or exceptions occurred during installation.
IBM® Installation Manager writes the result of the installation command to the log file that you specified with the -log parameter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The log file contains an error element if
the operation was not completed successfully. A successful installation
adds a value of 0 to the log file. An unsuccessful installation adds
a positive integer to the log file.- AIX® or Linux™ (root user): /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
- AIX® or Linux™ (non-root user): user_home/var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs where user_home is the non-root user account directory