Creating multiple Oracle databases on AIX and Linux
Each database is a database instance. To create Oracle databases on AIX and Linux, use the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to complete these steps:
To open the DBCA tool:
- Change login user to oracle
- $ export [[ORACLE_HOME]]=...
- $ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
- $ export DISPLAY=hostname:displaynumber.screennumber
Note: where hostname:displaynumber.screennumber represents the client system, monitor number, and window number. For example: localhost:0.0
- $ dbca &
On the Database Operation page, accept the default option to Create
database and click Next.
- Select Advanced Mode.
- On the Database Templates page, accept the General Purpose or Transaction Processing default option and click Next.
On the Database Identification page, enter LSCONN in the Global Database
Name and SID fields and click Next.
Do not select Create As Container Database.
- On the Management Options page, accept the default option to Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express and click Next.
- On the Database Credentials page, create the database password and click Next.
- On the Network Configuration page, select a listener you created from the list, or create a listener.
On the Storage Locations page, accept the File System storage option and
click Next.
- Accept the Database File Locations, which is the default.
- Accept the Specify Fast Recovery Area, which is the default.
- Click Next.
- On the Database Options page, accept the unselected defaults and click Next.
On the Initialization Parameters page, select Use Automatic Memory
- Click the Character Sets tab and select the Use Unicode (AL32UTF8).
- Click the Connection Mode tab and select Dedicated Server Mode.
- Click Next.
- On the Creation Options page, accept the Create Database default option and select Generate Database Creation Scripts. Click Next.
- Review the summary and click Finish.