Sample complex mappings of Profiles data
These examples contains sample complex mappings using Javascript functions to define mapping between the LDAP directory and the Profiles database.
Examples of mapping options
When manually mapping Profiles fields you can perform 1:1 mapping as described in the Mapping fields manually parent topic, or complex mapping as described here.
The following examples progress in their complexity. The examples are designed to convey mapping options, not necessarily to provide practical use cases. Sample code is annotated to help further describe its intent and functional behavior.
Example 1:
This first example returns a single value, namely the employee number value obtained from the LDAP with the string _ACME appended to show a simple programmatic change.
Notice that the function name is surrounded by curly braces, thus the return value of the
function is a string that is copied into the Profiles database as the employee number
function func_employeeNumber_simple( propertyName) {
// propertyName would be ‘employeeNumber’; not used
var propertyNameStr = propertyName.toString();
// assume no error getting value
var result = work.getString("LDAPemployeeNumber") + "_ACME";
return result;
Note that the function references a work entry named LDAPemployeeNumber in the
third line (var result = work.getString("LDAPemployeeNumber
"). This is the name of
the employee number attribute in the LDAP.
employeeNumber={ func_employeeNumber_simple}
line is simply to make
LDAPemployeeNumber available in the work entry.Example 2:
, but
there are two so that method is not available.func_logins_ext
. To simplify this example, the uid and
email attributes are not shown in the
line, the list that is returned
because of the following statements becomes the logins value and is added to the
PROFILE_LOGINS table. While typically not needed for valid login, this method
illustrates the mapping
technique.function func_loginNames_ext( propertyName) {
var propertyNameStr = propertyName.toString(); // ='logins'; not
used in later statement
var result = work.getAttribute("givenName"); // get any single valued
defined attribute
if (result == null) {
result = "no_work_element";
result = result.clone(); // required
result.removeValue(0); // remove givenName (not required here)
var result0 = work.getString("employeeNumber"); //assume
no error, 1 value
result.setValue( 0, result0);
var result1 = work.getString("shortName"); // assume no
error, single value
result.setValue( 1, result1);
return result;
Example 3:
In this final example, the mapping pertains to a multivalue list of surnames using thesn attribute. From the list of returned surnames, we append the string Jr. to demonstrate a simple change.
In this example, the LDAP sn field contains a list of surnames.
The surname=sn line causes the first entry in the resulting list to be stored in the surname field in the Profiles user table.
function func_surNames_Acme( propertyName) {
var propertyNameStr = propertyName.toString(); // =’surnames’; not used in l
var result = work.getAttribute("sn"); // get the sn list
if(result == null) {
result = "no sn work element"; // return bogus value.
// See the function func_compute_givenName() in
// profiles_functions.js for a more realistic approach
result = result.clone();
var len = result.size();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val = result.getValue(i);
if (!(val instanceof java.lang.String)) {
val = java.lang.String.valueOf(val);
val = val + " Jr." // append "Jr."
result.setValue(i, val); // update value
return result;
In the function func_surNames_Acme( propertyName) { line, the propertyName parameter value is the name of the property that appears in the file on the line where the function is referenced. This makes it possible to use the same function for a number of properties. In this example, the value is surnames.
In the var result = work.getAttribute("sn"); line, an attribute object is obtained. In this example, the argument for getAttribute() must be sn to obtain the list of surnames.
The result = "no sn work element"; line is simply a test for sn not being available.
Given that the list is available, we clone it with the result = result.clone(); line to avoid changing the entry list that belongs to TDI.
We next iterate through the list testing to verify that each value is a string. This is a best practice even though in this actual example it is unnecessary.
The result.getValue(i); line gets the next item in the list; this represents the R element of CRUD.
The result.setValue(i, val); line shows how to modify a value; this represents the U element of CRUD.
In the previous example 2, the setValue method was used to perform both these functions.
if (i > 4)
len--; i--;