Configuring Metrics to connect to stand-alone Elasticsearch

Configure communications between a stand-alone Elasticsearch instance and the HCL Connections deployment to support the Metrics feature.

Before you begin

If you already enabled type-ahead search with Elasticsearch, skip this task because you already performed it.


  1. Run the following command to configure communications between the stand-alone Elasticsearch instance and the Connections deployment:
    curl -u Admin_user_name:Admin_password \
      --insecure -s -w '%{http_code}\n' --output /dev/null -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "X-Update-Nonce: PinkAdminRequestToBlue" \
      -d '{"c2.export.elasticsearch.baseurl" : "https://Elasticsearch_server_address:Elasticsearch_port_number"}' \
    • Admin_user_name is the Connections administrator 's user name.
    • Admin_password is the Connections administrator's password.
    • Elasticsearch_server_address is the host name or IP address of the stand-alone Elasticsearch instance.
    • Elasticsearch_port_number is the service port number of the stand-alone Elasticsearch instance.
    • Connections_server_address is the Connections server host name.
    • metrics_api_path is the entry point of the Metrics API to update the Elasticsearch URL. If you already used Elasticsearch Metrics in your production environment, use "metrics" for the value; otherwise, use "metricssc" instead.

    When the command is successful, the 200 status code is returned.

  2. Restart the MetricsEventCapture and MetricsUI services through the IBM WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.