Upgrading from
Upgrade the IBM Connections™ Component Pack from
Before you begin
These upgrade steps are only valid when upgrading from a or deployment of Component Pack and you wish to keep your data after the upgrade.
Uninstall the previous release
- On the master server, check the arguments you used for the original installation by running the
following command:
cat /opt/deployCfC/.last_args.txt
If the .last_args.txt file does not exist (or is empty), then the run the following command to retrieve the command from the /var/log/cfc.log file:sudo grep deployCfC.sh /var/log/cfc.log
- Run the deployCfC.sh installation script with all of the same flags that
you used during the original installation, along with the
argument.On your storage server, do not delete the directories where your data is stored. The default is data directory is /pv-connections. This data will be reused in Component Pack
The following command will uninstall all Component Pack services, IBM Cloud™ Private, Kubernetes, and Docker. It will not delete any data in the persistent volumes.
cd /opt/deployCfC/ sudo sh deployCfC.sh --boot=bootserver.example.com \ --master_list=masterserver.example.com \ --worker_list=workerserver1.example.com,workerserver2.example.com,workerserver3.example.com \ --proxy_list=proxyserver1.example.com \ --skip_ssh_prompts \ --root_login_passwd=rootpassword \ --uninstall=cleanest
Install the latest version
- Complete all of the prerequisites before beginning the installation tasks.
- Deploy Component Pack.
- Complete the configuration tasks as explained in Configuring the Component Pack.
is set to Retain
, meaning you can
re-use your existing data (for more information, see Setting up persistent volumes with NFS). During the upgrade, you must
create the Kubernetes persistent volumes again, even if you are re-using the existing data
directories. Post-install steps for MongoDB data migrated from
If you are re-using MongoDB data from a Component Pack deployment, then you might need to run some clean-up steps on the scoring database.
Determine whether you need to run the clean- by running the following commands to check the logs of the people-scoring pods:
kubectl logs -l app=people-scoring -n connections > people-scoring.log
grep CursorNotFound people-scoring.log
If the search finds the string "CursorNotFound" in the logs, complete the following steps to clear users' historical recommendations (community suggestions and top updates).
into the master Kubernetes node.- Run the following command to determine which Mongo node is the primary
kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -c mongo -n connections -- mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile /etc/mongodb/x509/user_admin.pem --sslCAFile /etc/ca/internal-ca-chain.cert.pem --host mongo-0.mongo.connections.svc.cluster.local --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509 --authenticationDatabase '$external' -u C=IE,ST=Ireland,L=Dublin,O=IBM,OU=Connections-Middleware-Clients,CN=admin,emailAddress=admin@mongodb --eval "rs.status().members" | grep "id\|name\|health\|stateStr\|ok\|optimeDate"
Example output:"_id" : 0, "name" : "mongo-1.mongo.connections.svc.cluster.local:27017", "health" : 1, "stateStr" : "PRIMARY", "optimeDate" : ISODate("2018-07-28T13:19:44Z"), "_id" : 1, "name" : "mongo-0.mongo.connections.svc.cluster.local:27017", "health" : 1, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "optimeDate" : ISODate("2018-07-28T13:19:44Z"), "_id" : 2, "name" : "mongo-2.mongo.connections.svc.cluster.local:27017", "health" : 1, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "optimeDate" : ISODate("2018-07-28T13:19:44Z"),
- Run the following command to execute into the mongo primary pod (mongo-1 in previous
kubectl exec -it mongo-1 -c mongo -n connections -- bash
- Run the following command to connect to the primary
mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile /etc/mongodb/x509/user_admin.pem --sslCAFile /etc/ca/internal-ca-chain.cert.pem --host mongo-1.mongo.connections.svc.cluster.local
- Run the following command to authenticate and authorize
db.getSiblingDB("$external").auth({mechanism: "MONGODB-X509",user: "C=IE,ST=Ireland,L=Dublin,O=IBM,OU=Connections-Middleware-Clients,CN=admin,emailAddress=admin@mongodb"})
- Run the following command to set collabsocredb as the current
use collabsocredb
- Run the following command to drop score collections: