Adding third-party links via the XML configuration file
You can extend the Profiles business card by adding links to applications from another vendor.
Before you begin
About this task
To extend the Profiles business card, complete the following steps:
- Start the wsadmin client from the following directory of
the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
where app_server_root is the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.app_server_root\profiles\dm_profile_root\bin
You must start the client from this directory or subsequent commands that you enter do not execute correctly.
- Use the wsadmin client to access and check out the IBM® Connections configuration files.
- Open the LotusConnections-config.xml file,
and modify it to include the following attributes:
For example:Table 1. Third-party service reference attributes Attribute Description person_card_service_url_pattern Represents the URL pattern that is used when users click the service link. The ampersand character (&) must be expressed using the actual character in the pattern. This attribute takes a string value. The following parameters inside the URL pattern are placeholders. When the business card is rendered at runtime, the parameters are replaced by the real values.- {email}. The profile user's email address.
- {userid}. The profile user's user ID.
- {uid}. The profile user's UID.
- {displayName}. The profile user's full name.
- {workPhoneNumber}. The profile user's work telephone number.
person_card_service_name_js_eval Represents a JavaScript™ statement that is used by the framework to generate the text displayed in the business card for the given service. This attribute takes a string value.
You can add a resource string as the value for this attribute. The resource string must include "generalrs." before the resource bundle key. See Adding custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios for information about how to add resource strings to the business card.
<sloc:serviceReference serviceName="googleService" href="" enabled="true" ssl_href="" ssl_enabled="false" person_card_service_url_pattern="/search?hl=en&q={email}&btnG=Google+Search" person_card_service_name_js_eval="'Google Me'"/> <sloc:serviceReference serviceName="quickr" href="" enabled="true" ssl_href="" ssl_enabled="true" person_card_service_url_pattern="/QuickrEntry?email={email}" person_card_service_name_js_eval="generalrs.label_personcard_quickrlink"/> <sloc:serviceReference serviceName="communities" href="" enabled="true" ssl_href="" ssl_enabled="true" person_card_service_url_pattern="/service/html/allcommunities?email={email}" person_card_service_name_js_eval="generalrs.label_personcard_communitieslink"/> <sloc:serviceReference serviceName="profiles" href="" enabled="true" ssl_href="" ssl_enabled="true" person_card_service_url_pattern="/html/{email}&searchBy=email" person_card_service_name_js_eval="generalrs.label_personcard_profilelink"/>
- Edit the service-location.xsd file
to define the service names used.For example:
<xsd:simpleType name="serviceNames"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="activities" /> <xsd:enumeration value="blogs" /> <xsd:enumeration value="communities" /> <xsd:enumeration value="directory" /> <xsd:enumeration value="dogear" /> <xsd:enumeration value="personTag" /> <xsd:enumeration value="presenceAwareness" /> <xsd:enumeration value="profiles" /> <xsd:enumeration value="sametimeLinks" /> <xsd:enumeration value="homepage" /> <xsd:enumeration value="googleService" /> <xsd:enumeration value="quickr" /> </xsd:..> </xsd:..>
After making changes, you must check the configuration files back in, and you must do so during
the same wsadmin session in which you checked them out for the changes to take effect. See Applying common configuration
property changes for information about how to save and apply your changes.
Note: If you added third-party links to the Profiles business card and those links are no longer needed, you can remove them by modifying the LotusConnections-config.xml configuration file to undo or comment out what was done to add them. You cannot remove third-party links using JavaScript™.