Email is more interactive
In Connections Mail, you can interact with applications such as Files, from within some emails.
For example, when someone shares a file with you in Files, you receive an email notification. In Connections Mail, you can like or comment on that file from within the notification.
When you get a notification that someone wants to join your Profiles network, you can open the person's profile, or accept or reject their request from within the notification. And if they post on your wall, you can like the post or reply to the comment from the notification as well.
In Connections Mail, you can do the following tasks, directly in email:
- Preview image files
- Open someone's profile page
- Reshare a file if you have access
- Follow or stop following a person or file
- Accept or reject a request to join your network
- See, like, and comment on files, status updates, and wall posts
- Sort, add, edit, or delete comments on a file or wall post that you own, and more!