DPTK provides background tasks for automated processing of user pseudonymization and automated cleanup of DPTK reports.
For configuration parameters please refer DPTK configuration
Following section provides information about how DPTK can be monitored to ensure the jobs are running correctly or to identify potential issues that were encountered during processing
All DPTK actions and states log information that can be leveraged to understand what it happening, and whether something didn’t process as expected
Note: This trace setting will generate logs for both Profile pseudonymization and Report Deletion jobs. And you can find those traces in the trace.log file.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob init created timer:{timer}) com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob init First timeout: {first timeout} - schedule: {corn job expression}
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob init Failed to initialize Job '{JOB_NAME} Reason: The EJB timer for the mentioned job seems to have failed initializing. This could be related to the configured schedule this job should run at not being valid, the server's EJB Timer service settings not being properly configured or the underlying database communication for persisting EJB information failing.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob anonymizeProfilesScheduledJob < execute done! - sync job is disabled - see property '{}'
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Anonymization is already started or still running!
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization User '{user guid}' is active, there is no need to evaluate the pseudonymization.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob shouldPseudonymize < false - user already pseudonymized
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob shouldPseudonymize < false - user is excluded from pseudonymization
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization User '{}' is inactive and should be pseudonymized.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Failed retrieving report with id '{}'. Report: {} Reason: This could be we are not getting report from dptk reports store i.e. it is null .
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Failed anonymizing user '{}' -> {} Reason: This could be error while removing content item during anonymization Or Deletion of User Related Data from connected apps (e.g. ICXT, Expertise, Crowdsourcing ) etc . com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Pseudonymization of profile entry attributes failed - adjustment of information for report failed too: Reason : This is Exception while adding profile entry attributes to Pseudonymization User into the report
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Profile was successfully anonymized, but persisting report '{}' failed Reason : This could be error while storing updated Pseudonymized report to dptk report store.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob performAnonymization Profile of user '{}' was successfully anonymized. Finalize report...
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob anonymizeProfilesScheduledJob < execute done! - {} of {} users were stored in the DptkUserstateStore ({} failed, {} deletions
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.AnonymizeSchedulingJob anonymizeProfilesScheduledJob < FAILED Reason : This could be reason we are not able to perform Pseudonymization of profile in report
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob init created timer:{timer}) com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob init First timeout: {first timeout} - schedule: {corn job expression}
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob init Failed to initialize Job '{JOB_NAME} Reason: The EJB timer for the mentioned job seems to have failed initializing. This could be related to the configured schedule this job should run at not being valid, the server's EJB Timer service settings not being properly configured or the underlying database communication for persisting EJB information failing.
DeletionSched 1 com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob [Skip deletion] - the report expired date it is not in the past - [id:{id}, category: {categoryid}, expired:{expired datetime}, now:{current datetime}]
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob Skipping report {reportid}- it doesn't seem to be valid
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob [Skip deletion] - exclude incomplete reports - [id: {reportId}, category: {Category}, completed: {report completion status}] ... Reason: Report Seems to be incomplete so its deletion is skipped.
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob [Skip deletion] – ex0clude excluded from deletion flagged reports - [id: {reportId}, category: {category}, completed: {completion status}] ...
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob The report was removed - [id: {reportId}, category: {category}, expired: {expired datetime}] ...
com.ibm.ess.ic.dptk.scheduling.jobs.DeletionSchedulingJob deleteExpiredReportsScheduledJob < execute done - start: {}, duration: {}ms, {} expired reports were removed
Note : DPTK administrators can view statistics for the background job at HOSTNAME/dptk/#/pseudonymizations via the “Show Statistics” button.
Irregularities in the execution times and results or less entries than expected given the configuration could be indicators that the job is not functioning normally. The log indicators mentioned in section Pseudonymization Logs can be used to get a better understanding of the job’s status.