HCL Connections Data Privacy Toolkit (DPTK)
What is HCL Connections Data Privacy Toolkit?

The Data Privacy Toolkit provides features to simplify the handling of GDPR regulations with respect to HCL Connections content. It does not offer legal compliance for GDPR regulations.
Version 1.0 features:
- Report for GDPR §15 - Right of access by the data subject
- An auditor can search a persons’ profile from the HCL Connections user repository based on various profile attributes
- Auditor can manually search for personal information. The search result gets persisted as a „Report“
- Auditor can filter HCL Connections modules to be included in search
- Personal information search will be using HCL Connections search capabilities (see content matrix)
- A report consists of a list of search results containing personal information. A report is only viewable by an auditor
- Auditor can export PDF/CSV report with personal information
- Report for GDPR §17 - Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)
- An auditor is able to pseudonymize a person‘s profile including all profile attributes (standard and extended)
- Based on the search capabilities of the Report for §15 an auditor can pseudonymize personal information in various content types (see content matrix)
- All auditor activities will be recorded and persisted in an audit log
An user-interface at CONNECIONS_HOST/dptk provides all functionality available by this tool.
Licensed Materials - Property of HCL
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U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with HCL Corp.